Expired Listing?


I overheard some investors talking about buying expired listings in certain geo areas. Who do I call to buy the most recent expired listings in North Carolina?


  • theregisterfiles25th September, 2007

    Thank you. When I find these sellers how much less than the asking price should I make my initial offer? Should I low ball.

  • Stockpro991st December, 2007

    In our market I would check and see online how much they owe on the property and then after looking at what I need to buy at to make a profit would make an offer somewhat lower than that.

    You can low ball or high ball but if you want to buy property you need to be making offers all the time.

  • Stockpro993rd December, 2007

    You can get a realtor to list you as an "assistant" in some markets and get your own username and password.

    Just a thought..

  • joel3rd December, 2007

    We have this history tracking for Silver paid Access and up.

  • theregisterfiles4th December, 2007

    I want to thank everyone for you info. I have another question. I would like to contract with realtors with an about to expire listing. I would like to lease with an option to purchase within 12 months. Is this likely?

  • Stockpro997th December, 2007

    Most states require that Brokers & Agents have to present written offers. Write one up!

    We buy off the MLS occasionally with one acceptance for every 20 offers.

  • ypochris7th December, 2007

    How they WANT to get paid is off the top.

    With difficulty, it is possible to arrange anything reasonable. Installments work well as they get something now. They will wait a few months, but generally not a year.


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