
If a person wins the bid at an auction for a deed and its property, and home is still occupied, what is the most common and easiest way of getting them out/removed? confused


  • joel10th July, 2003

    If you need the property, offer the tenant one months free.

    I have gone through the proccess, and the tenant didn't want to move. I had to go through normal eviction proceedings.


  • BAMZ10th July, 2003

    Hi HomeBound,

    One option is to go through with an eviction process through the courts. If you choose this way, it will save you a lot of headaches to hire an attorney for a couple hundred bucks and have them do this for you. In my state, it will take about 30+ days from start to finish. And the Sherrif will escort them out of the property along with their belongings.

    An alternative option would be to knock on the door and tell the people that you are now the owner of the property and you will begin doing some renovations to the property. Explain that you would like to help them get into a new place and if they are out by a certain date that you will give them a couple hundred dollars. This may get them out fast. Who knows, they might even move out if you simply ask them to.

    Best of Success!


  • HomeBound10th July, 2003

    Thankyou all! I do like the comment you posted that I copied below. Very Tactful.
    And I will be sure to have insurence. Thanks again!!!!

    "An alternative option would be to knock on the door and tell the people that you are now the owner of the property and you will begin doing some renovations to the property. Explain that you would like to help them get into a new place and if they are out by a certain date that you will give them a couple hundred dollars."

  • westside2812th July, 2003

    Question: WHY is it important to have insurance before starting an eviction??

    Mine just ran out due to some "dog" issues on the property, and I might need to eveict someone in the near future!

    I am working on the Dog issue now, but concerned about this Insurance BEFORE eviction thing...


  • DaveT12th July, 2003

    What if your (soon to be evicted) tenants trash the unit? With no insurance coverage, you won't be able to file a vandalism claim to effect repairs.

  • westside2812th July, 2003

    Thanks Dave....Did not know insurance would pay for that

    Then again, may not be worth the deductable??

    I am looking into a few place to call on MOnday for a quote

  • HomeBound13th July, 2003

    So on the insurance, it would be advisable to get this before attemping to evict the old occupants. Can this be purchased directly after the auction of the "deed?"

  • rottzilla15th July, 2003

    Not suggesting you do this, it may get you into trouble - just telling a story here.

    I heard of one person who did "repairs" and actually removed the front door for a few days. The tenant moved out of his own accord.

  • pmatheson118th July, 2003

    Removing doors, shutting off the utilities, Having a group of bikers say they 'are moving in', all fall under "Self Help" in California. The tenant may own the property when his Atty gets through with you!

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