
I recently had to evict a non paying tenant. The judge granted me judgement for back rent possession but gave tenant 10 days to move out. It is coming up on the 10 days, and am wondering how I actually get him out. I know that I must file a writ of possession at the courthouse (another $25.00 fee rolleyes ) and have an officer accompany me to the property. Do I simply change the locks throw his stuff outside or what? Is it that simple.


  • bgrossnickle14th November, 2004

    If you do a google for your state and landlord tenant statues, you will find your answer. Each state is different. In FL you are allowed to put the stuff on the curb, if you lease states that you can. Otherwise you must store the stuff for a certain number of days.


  • commercialking15th November, 2004

    As Brenda has pointed out this varries by state. In Illinois the sheriff brings his own moving crew (which you get to pay for-- although the fee is pretty cheap) to remove the tenants possessions and place them at the curb.

  • pushcart15th November, 2004

    In MA the sheriff comes to evict but you must pay for a liscensed bonded mover to move all belongings to a liscensed bonded storage container and pay for 3 months storage (expensive!). A call to your county office or sheriff should hopefully point you in the right direction.

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