Evicting Tenants In Chicago, IL
I have tenants that pay their rent, but are always causing trouble to the tenants on the second floor. waking the tenants at 3-4 o'clock in the morning, fighting breaking things etc... I have given them 3 warnings, and now it occured again last night so I want to evict them. What are my rights and how do I go about evicting them, do I serve them notice? or do I have to go to the sherrifs office.
Thank you
Consult your attorney. Make sure you have legal grounds first.
if you need an eviction attorney in cook county, i have one. send me a private message and i'll give you the reference.
Do you rent m2m or do you have a longer lease? You can end a m2m by serving the appropriate notice. 30 or 60 Days, depending on your state's law.