Enlightenment On Probate Property

I missed attending a bid on probate property, which was scheduled for Jan 18. I went by the property on yesterday (Feb 1) and saw a realtor sign out front. Can someone fill me in on a possible scenario that could have happened from the bidding date to the property up for sale?
I am seriously considering going the probate route, seeking property where there are little or no heirs. Any recommended books or teaching materials for learning this? Thx!


  • bgrossnickle2nd February, 2004

    Please fill me in. What bidding is done on probate properties?


  • mark10282nd February, 2004

    There was a 'notice of sale' in the newspaper listed by a law office stating brief info. on property and that it would be sold on a certain date for the public at their law office.

  • bgrossnickle2nd February, 2004

    Which section of the newspaper was it listed? Also, did it say that it was a probate and did you call the lawyer's office to get any info, such as when are funds required, absolute auction, etc. I have not heard of this and it sounds very interesting.

    Thinking, just because there is an MLS sign does not mean that you should not contact the lawyer's office and make a direct offer. Why not? Even if they tell you to use the realtor, just make a good offer based on your numbers. Try to be the first one to present an offer.


  • keoki2nd February, 2004

    just go down to the probate court, look up recent filings call the PR and see if they are interested in selling, don't wait until somebody is listing it in the paper or using a realtor.

  • mark10282nd February, 2004

    In the classified ads was where I obtained the info. Yes, the listing did clearly state that it was probate property.

    Keoki, what is a PR?

    Thanks all for your response.

  • bgrossnickle2nd February, 2004

    PR is personal representative. I currently do go down to the court house and write to PRs. I just have not seen any probate property listed for auction in my paper. Wondering if I am missing something.

    Has anyone else seen this before?


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