EMC Loss Mitigation Problems...can U Relate?

Ok, I have 3 potential short sales. I have faxed authorization to release info. on all three. I finally got the name of the woman handling short sales at EMC, but I cannot get through to her and she will not return calls. Two houses are scheduled for auction 1/18, so I need to get this going. I used the script "calling re: my client x, loan #, trying to avoid bankruptcy, etc" (Legrand style), but no dice.

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!


  • bgrossnickle7th January, 2005

    Find out her office hours - 8-5 central - and call first thing in the mornings. Also fax her. also go to their website and figure out their email standards - www.firstname.lastname@ecm.com - and email her. call the general loss mit number and ask to speak to a supervisor.


  • rcastell8th January, 2005


    I was finally able to get in touch with the proper people at EMC, and they have been very helpful, which is great for me considering I have 4 potential ss's pending.
    Moral of the story: Persistence pays off!!!!

  • estego3rd February, 2005

    Can you please tell me what your experience was with EMC Mortgage? was it a 1st or 2nd, do they assign mortgages or just discount?

  • DerrickAli4th February, 2005


    here you go...


  • BLACKTHOTZ5th February, 2005

    I was wondering did you have any luck with either of your ss consedering the limited time you had until the sheriff sales?

  • lp15th February, 2005

    if it makes sense see if you can buy the second and third for a discount and then you can short sale the 1st as per their requirements.. you can now accept $1000 for the second and $500 for the third.

  • 4ndy5th February, 2005

    btw lp1,
    Before doing that I would want to make sure that I have a gauranteed exceptance from first, subject to the 2nd and 3rd leins meeting their requirements.

    Usually though the first wants to see acceptance letters from the jr leins before they even issue a letter.

  • TheShortSalePro4th February, 2005

    eh, well if you were at fault, and your insurance company is sued, your insurance might be suspended, or your premiums increased.

    In the case of the Homeowner and PMI... the PMI would be party to the suit as Plaintiff... and you would be nailed... unless you had insurance... as did the mortgagee.

  • renee385th February, 2005

    i want to keep my home but looking for a wy to do it

  • LouInvestor1st February, 2005

    To give you better advice we need to know more info on your city/state, quality of area, approx. values of houses in that area, shape and cond. of your home, market strength of RE in that area (are homes selling quickly? are there a lot of "for sale" signs that just sit there?) etc etc etc

    But if you truly need help, tell us more about your financial situation. Losing your home is usually not the only option. Especially if you already made as much effort as finding and coming to this site.

  • renee385th February, 2005

    hi i m a loss migitation specialist my house assist in helping people save there homes.

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