Email Notification

Would it be possible when a reply has been poted to your topic to actually write in the email which exact topic was replied to?
If you have six or seven topics then you receive one of these emails you have to search through all the forums to see which of your specific topics is near the top and actually was responded to.

Im a member on other forums and thats exactly what they do. Dont see why it couldnt be applied here. Just a suggestion


  • dare20034th November, 2003

    Anyone agree/disagree?!

  • Sash4th November, 2003

    Hi Dare2003

    I agree, it would be nice.

    Mike[ Edited by Sash on Date 11/04/2003 ]

  • dare20034th November, 2003

    Hi Sash,

    Glad you agree.

    There should be a vote option on these forums as well!

  • joel7th November, 2003

    Good, Point. I will add that feature in today.

  • BethE7th November, 2003

    Not necessary to search thru all of the topics since you have kindly provides a link to the email notification. Great thinking!

  • dare20037th November, 2003

    Thanks everyone, glad i could help.

    I tried it today...saved me ALOT of time!

  • joel7th November, 2003

    It should be working now. I hope you guys like it.

    I also added the title of the topic in there. That should let you know what topic was replied to.[ Edited by joel on Date 11/07/2003 ]

  • dare20037th November, 2003

    Good job!

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