Electrical And Plumbing Wiring

Can anyone give me an idea of how much it should cost to rewire electric and plumbing on a 3600 sf house. This is my first rehab job that is not just cosmetic. I've had three general contractors give me an estimate and it ranges from $3000.00 to 12000.


  • InActive_Account24th February, 2004

    I think your estimates from $3000 to $12,000 are going to be more accurate and realistic then somebody here taking a wild guess as to what you want done.

    Do you need to upgrade the service? Are you running new circuits, upgrading everything, somethings? The questions would go on and on...

    However, if you are getting estimates that range from 3000-12,000 for the exact same scope of work there is something really wrong either with how you are presenting the work to be bid on or there is something really wrong with the people who are giving you the estimates.

    You should be within no more than 30% difference from high to low, taking out any very different estimators such as a handyman, retired guy who will work only on the weekends and his spare time vs an experienced crew of 4 who will work 6 days a week 10 hours a day until the job is done.

    If you know exactly what you want done, write it all down and fax it to a bunch of outfits, just by reading their estimates you can get a good idea of how they will perform.

  • Birddog124th February, 2004

    Somthing you may want to consider, Go to a local Home Depot or Lowes. Many people who work in the departments, do small work on the side, or work there part time, and are full time electricians or plumbers. Don't be afriad to ask them

  • scottbrown6924th February, 2004

    I suggest you get a clear and concise scope of work. Exactly what is to be done, what is to be replaced, and what will remain. I just finished a 3200 sq ft Total rewire panel, disconnects, and 400 amp service entrance. The only thing we left in place was wiring it was 20 years old but still good plastic on cables and all copper wiring. We also updated all fixtures. Total electrical job was $11,500.00 (we were able to take the finished work order and reduce the insurance cost on the property by 15% because of all new electrical less risk to them. Do your home work, use only licensed contractors, get 3 estimates and I agree all estimates should be 15% to 20% comparable if they are not something is wrong. Plumbing same rules...

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