Education and Goals for 2005

Hello Investors,

Just wanted to Wish everyone a Merry X-mas and Happy Upcoming New


I hope everyone accomplished their goals in 2004 and now is the time

if you haven't already it's time to set your goals for 2005.
Real Estate has to be the easiest way to make a six figure income. I

have no college education (well starting it has been one of my goals

for 2005) and the job I have would never bring me the income I was

striving for. Real Estate also has one of the biggest turn-arounds I

have ever seen. Some people are in the business for years, others

come and go and come back, and others get motivated and learn a lot

of information but never take the 1st step. For others like me,

after I finally took the first step, it has become an enternal walk.

I don't plan on stopping and the further I walk the more I learn.

The more you learn in this business the more money you will make.

Contrary to what you may hear, Real Estate Investing can be hard work

and a lot of Stress at times, and yes you could even lose money in it

so it's also a bit risky. But I am here to tell you that it doesn't

have to be hard. The hardest this business was for me, was when I

didn't have a clue. When I was brand new and I heard that you could

make money in real estate and that it was easy, I read a few

articles, even went to a $50 seminar, and I thought I was

unstoppable. I went out and found 10 properties I was going to put

offers on, when the realtor told me I needed $500 for every property

I wanted ot make an offer on...I became very discouraged and thought

there was no way someone can invest in real estate who didnt have


Then I found a couple of very smart individuals who were selling

properties Like no tomorrow, and they weren't realtors. I ended up

buying a couple properties from them with no money down, the exact

way that I laid it out in the Rehabbing course in the files section

of this group. I started to make a little money with renting my

properties out. But I wanted more. I wanted to be like the two guys

who I bought houses from, I wanted to make $1000's every month, not

$100's . They weren't quite ready to lose me as a customer and they

didn't really want to show me how to do thier business. Fair enough

right? Well that wasn't going to cut it with me. So I saved up

about $3500 and I learned a system from a very experienced investor.

I learned the same business my 1st two mentors were doing, only I

learned to do it better. I learned to wholesale houses in one of the

most competitve cities in the untited states for real estate

investors and I now proclaim myself as one of the best for that.

When someone buys my course or they attend a live workshop with me

and I tell them what they have to do, I am surprised at how lazy some

people really are, lol. It takes 5 hours a week to make $4,000 to

$8,000 a month. The gripes I hear sometimes, I tell you lol. That

is all it takes folks. 5 hours a week. For the people who are too

good to do a little work for a lot of money, well... hey this

business isn't for everyone. Fo those who see the true numbers and

see the system and how they really can get rich in this business and

those who are willing to do what it takes...those are the ones who

will succeed. I wish everyone could benefit from real estate

investing, but the truth is, some people are more interestd in

learning about it but they never put the knowledge to work. That is

the # 1 reason people don't make money in this business, because they

never make a move. They spend 8 hours a day looking for deals, then

scare themselves right out of it. When if they invested a little bit

into a course or seminar, a little education & motivation, they could

get rid of the cautious feelings, get over their fear, and finally

figure out that the worst thing that can happen when you make an

offer is someone might tell you "No".

Oh yea and again. If someone is selling a property for $80,000, it's

worth $100,000 and it needs $10,000 in work YOU WILL NOT MAKE $10,000

Just wanted to remind you about that, lol.

If you are out there right now and you have taken courses and you

know how to make money in real estate, but you haven't yet. Then

make that your goal for this new year.

If you really want to make money in real estate and you're looking

for a cookie cutter aproach that you can learn in 5 minutes and then

you can go make're not going to find it and whether you

want to or not, you're going to pay a lot of money for a simple

lesson you could've probably leaned in a cheap course or seminar.

If you want to learn about real estate investing and you think you

have what it takes to be the number 1 investor in your city or REI

group. The take a course folks. Take a seminar. Those people

aren't up there teaching something they made up. If they're real

they are teaching you the same systems they do personally.

Set your goals for 2005, and stay focused. A little education, a

little motivation, a contract, and a closing table are all you really


No money down deals are real and they do happen.

Wholesaling Houses is real, and people make money from houses they

never own.

Rehabbing houses and selling to owner occupants is a real business.

Lease Options and Options are real.

Being a Landlord is real.

All of these are the businesses that I do. Can you fail at these

businesses? Yes. If you dont have a plan or a system in place,

something as easy as being a landlord can bring you down. Imagine if

you were doing all of these businesses at the same time. How hard

would it be for you to fall? What if a tenant didn't pay this month,

would you be worried about making that mortgage payment? Probably

not even break a sweat!

The more you learn, the more you make.

Merry Christams! Happy New Year!

From Jason Bradley


  • JohnMichael26th December, 2004

    This was inspiring and the value you have placed on education is much appreciated. No fluff, no bull, just the facts.

    May 2005 bring you even greater wealth and prosperity.

    John Michael

  • ray_higdon26th December, 2004

    Great Post Jason

    Ray Higdon

    SWFLA Investments

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