EBook Script Finished!!!

Hey guys, I am sorry it has taken so long but, working on a site like this gets you pooped really quick. We are putting in around 90 hours per week between RE Property Management, Website, and our part time JOBS.

I wanted to let everybody know that we have the EBook working and fine tuned for Internet Explorer 6.0 and Internet Explorer 5.5.

Mozilla and Internet Explorer 5.0 works but will have to add a .zip on the end in order to make it work.

Thanks again everybody for the orders. If you haven't received your order or still need help downloading your document, please contact support@thecreativeinvestor.com">support@thecreativeinvestor.com[ Edited by joel on Date 02/09/2003 ]


  • jfmlv19509th February, 2003


    I don't know what you're talking about being tired.

    There are 168 hours in a week and you are working only 90. That still leaves 78.

    Are you a light weight? (LOL)


    John (LV)

  • JohnLocke9th February, 2003

    John (LV),

    Can you imagine Joel sluffing off and letting all that quality time go to waste each week.

    Maybe we should cut way back and only work as many hours as he does.

    John $Cash$ Locke

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