
I have a website that attracts motivated sellers. I want to put up a few ebooks on avoiding foreclose and selling quickly that people can download.

Does anyone know of a source where I can obtain these ebooks for distribution? I really dont want to write one myself. thanks,



  • JohnCREI2nd April, 2009

    You could go over to http://www.eLance.com and post a project to have them created for you. Then you could have them developed to meet your spefic needs and integrate your marketing funnel into the ebook.[ Edited by JohnLocke on Date 04/02/2009 ]

  • techppc6th April, 2009

    Hey you can find ebooks in ebay and you can sell with great commission there.

    ebay is the great place to sell and get profit in online.

  • Stockpro996th April, 2009

    On ebay you can find some great ebook creation software that will help you in your marketing as it will create a 3D ebook that you can post on your site.

    I am sure that there are many ebooks out there if you google them and you could/should seek reprint rights for those..

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