Due Diligence

When you want to buy a mobile home park, do you hire somebody to do due dilligence or you do it yourself? If you hire somebody, who do you recommend? Thx.

[ Edited by ew86 on Date 09/11/2006 ]


  • JohnMerchant11th September, 2006

    Due diligence on what? Car, boat, fishing pole, what?

  • ew8611th September, 2006

    Opppsss....sorry... I was in rush.. I meant Mobile Home Park.

  • ew8619th October, 2006

    Do I need to hire inspector? plumber, electrician? Do I need to check for pest? The park own no homes and the infrastructure is only 5 yrs old. I feel that since there is no building, those kind of inspections are unnecessary, but I would like to check with other investors. Thx.

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