
I have just read today in the newspaper that there was a drug raid on a house in the same neighborhood (2 blocks away) from a duplex I own. 66 marijuana plants and more than a kilogram of cocaine and crack.

When I bought this place I checked with police reports regarding the neighborhood and it was not a high crime area, but "on the other side of the railroad tracks" 1/2 mile away is a high crime area.

Up until this point I have bought in middle and upper middle class neighborhoods, so this is bit shocking to me.

I want to be able to tell future tenants that it is a safe neighborhood, but now knowing this, I dunno.

I am kinda of freaking out a little bit. I need some advice.


  • d_random5th February, 2009

    Good advice cjmazur regarding liability.
    I did do due diligence, I have lived in this area for 30+ years. I believe I have a pretty good idea where the bad parts of town are. Also, I asked two residents in the neighborhood who had live there 5 and 20 yrs if there was any crime in the area, they said that there was not.

  • d_random6th February, 2009

    Very good point finniganps.
    I checked the sex offender registry and there is a person that was convicted of 2nd degree rape that lives two blocks away.

  • jimandlacy7th February, 2009

    Good advice,
    As a licensed agent I have to be extra careful about what I "represent" a property to be.
    Any safety or crime questions that may come up are answered with the precinct # and phone # of the local Police station. Everybody gets the number and web address of the sex offender list and signs an acknowledgement.

    The court always looks at the property manager, agent or landlord as the professional so always CYA.


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