DreamLife LLC Credit Report Repair

Has anyone out there heard anything, anything at all about Dreamlife LLC. a credit report repair company based in Springfield, MO???
I recently signed up and both my upline and myself have called the company and have not heard any responce in the past two weeks. confused [ Edited by sandiego92057 on Date 05/12/2005 ]


  • ray_higdon3rd June, 2005

    My first reccomendation would be to invest in yourself via reading, researching, calling people on the phone (sellers, realtors, brokers, etc)

    When you are approaching someone for financing and have strong knowledge and can answer questions, the money will come easier

  • DonaldTrump3rd June, 2005

    On 2005-06-03 08:09, ray_higdon wrote:
    My first reccomendation would be to invest in yourself via reading, researching, calling people on the phone (sellers, realtors, brokers, etc)

    When you are approaching someone for financing and have strong knowledge and can answer questions, the money will come easier

    thanks ray. What good books or coures do u reccomend I see so many on the net and in books stores etc. I spoke with a realtor,brokers. They tell me that it would be best to buy my first home before trying to invest. Again thanks

  • d_random9th June, 2005

    I would work on finding stable employment now ( to pay bills) and put the birddog plans on the backburner for now.

  • DonaldTrump9th June, 2005

    On 2005-06-09 15:41, d_random wrote:
    I would work on finding stable employment now ( to pay bills) and put the birddog plans on the backburner for now.
    thanks but stable employment will put me in a jam again. Iam getting tried of tradeing hours for dollars. Is there a way I could something.

  • DonaldTrump9th June, 2005

    On 2005-06-09 15:41, d_random wrote:
    I would work on finding stable employment now ( to pay bills) and put the birddog plans on the backburner for now.
    thanks but stable employment will put me in a jam again. Iam getting tried of tradeing hours for dollars. Is there a way I could something.

  • MarkB9th June, 2005

    OK Donald get your pen out and get ready I am going to give you a way over the next few weekends could yield you a quick 2 to 3 thousand.

    Ok first of all, I am not familiar with where you are but I am sure this an area close enough to you that you can find at least a few investors.

    Check your local papers for ads such as We buy ugly houses and such like call them see if they have houses inyour area. If they yes as they probably will then tell them you are also and investor and that from time to time you have buyers with large down payments and you were wondering if you brought some buyers with large downs such as 10 to 30,000 could we do something so I could share in that down???

    Then be quiet and wait to see what they say. I have done this many times with great results. IN fact I just did one of these very things where in one weekend from just one deal I yielded $5100.00

    Ok your asking.... how do you get the buyers... huh?

    Simple once the investors let me know they have properties in my area that we can deal on we work out a deal so I can show the properties to my potential buyers...

    I get the buyers from placing ads in the paper owner finance with good down. then my number and as the calls come and they ask what homes we have I tell them at the moment I dont have any however, one of my investment partners has a few we are willing to put you in provided you have a good down ect ect ect....

    I show the homes to them and sell them on the idea of the house...... and when they say Yes..... and they meet my criteria of down which is 10,000 to 30,000 then I get their info and schedule a time with my investment partner to close....

    It sounds more complicated than it is and it works......

    This is just an idea, and a way to generate cash........ if you only made 3000 out of the deal wouldnt it be worth the effort?

    I hope this helps oh yeah dont let anyone tell it wont work because I have done it several times......


  • DonaldTrump10th June, 2005

    On 2005-06-09 18:13, MarkB wrote:
    OK Donald get your pen out and get ready I am going to give you a way over the next few weekends could yield you a quick 2 to 3 thousand.

    Ok first of all, I am not familiar with where you are but I am sure this an area close enough to you that you can find at least a few investors.

    Check your local papers for ads such as We buy ugly houses and such like call them see if they have houses inyour area. If they yes as they probably will then tell them you are also and investor and that from time to time you have buyers with large down payments and you were wondering if you brought some buyers with large downs such as 10 to 30,000 could we do something so I could share in that down???

    Then be quiet and wait to see what they say. I have done this many times with great results. IN fact I just did one of these very things where in one weekend from just one deal I yielded $5100.00

    Ok your asking.... how do you get the buyers... huh?

    Simple once the investors let me know they have properties in my area that we can deal on we work out a deal so I can show the properties to my potential buyers...

    I get the buyers from placing ads in the paper owner finance with good down. then my number and as the calls come and they ask what homes we have I tell them at the moment I dont have any however, one of my investment partners has a few we are willing to put you in provided you have a good down ect ect ect....

    I show the homes to them and sell them on the idea of the house...... and when they say Yes..... and they meet my criteria of down which is 10,000 to 30,000 then I get their info and schedule a time with my investment partner to close....

    It sounds more complicated than it is and it works......

    This is just an idea, and a way to generate cash........ if you only made 3000 out of the deal wouldnt it be worth the effort?

    I hope this helps oh yeah dont let anyone tell it wont work because I have done it several times......

    talk to one investor nothing for sale this time but is willing to work with me. Call few more nothing but answering machines do I leave message. Are these deals that I get are going to be lease to own etc. Some investors might want to not lto. Sould I run and ad in the newpaper now. Thanks again.

  • DonaldTrump11th June, 2005

    On 2005-06-10 12:54, DonaldTrump wrote:
    On 2005-06-09 18:13, MarkB wrote:
    OK Donald get your pen out and get ready I am going to give you a way over the next few weekends could yield you a quick 2 to 3 thousand.

    Ok first of all, I am not familiar with where you are but I am sure this an area close enough to you that you can find at least a few investors.

    Check your local papers for ads such as We buy ugly houses and such like call them see if they have houses inyour area. If they yes as they probably will then tell them you are also and investor and that from time to time you have buyers with large down payments and you were wondering if you brought some buyers with large downs such as 10 to 30,000 could we do something so I could share in that down???

    Then be quiet and wait to see what they say. I have done this many times with great results. IN fact I just did one of these very things where in one weekend from just one deal I yielded $5100.00

    Ok your asking.... how do you get the buyers... huh?

    Simple once the investors let me know they have properties in my area that we can deal on we work out a deal so I can show the properties to my potential buyers...

    I get the buyers from placing ads in the paper owner finance with good down. then my number and as the calls come and they ask what homes we have I tell them at the moment I dont have any however, one of my investment partners has a few we are willing to put you in provided you have a good down ect ect ect....

    I show the homes to them and sell them on the idea of the house...... and when they say Yes..... and they meet my criteria of down which is 10,000 to 30,000 then I get their info and schedule a time with my investment partner to close....

    It sounds more complicated than it is and it works......

    This is just an idea, and a way to generate cash........ if you only made 3000 out of the deal wouldnt it be worth the effort?

    I hope this helps oh yeah dont let anyone tell it wont work because I have done it several times......

    talk to one investor nothing for sale this time but is willing to work with me. Call few more nothing but answering machines do I leave message. Are these deals that I get are going to be lease to own etc. Some investors might want to not lto. Sould I run and ad in the newpaper now. Thanks again.

  • Jose7111th June, 2005


    Hey Donald, let me help you out. As you can see im also from the Hampton Roads Area and here, there is alot of cleaning up by the city, theres alot of area that are being worked on like the Ocean View Area. If you already have an investor or better yet you can do it yourself. You can try to get pre-approved for a home loan, then you find a fixer upper that needs little cosmetic work, ie: lawn care , paint just little cheap things then just sell it out or pull the equity out and buy something else.....there is so many ways...good luck

  • SantaClarita12th June, 2005

    I would suggest trying to find work, even if you are able to birddog or some other form of self employment this is crucial.

    I was unemployed about two years ago for seven months. I work in the medical sales field and normally make six figures. I bring this up because I have had INCREDIBLE difficulty securing loans (including a HELOC on my personal residence) because of the seven month job gap, still to this day.

    I have had to provide a job gap letter for each mortgage I have obtained, when I think about this now I might have made sure that I was employed. Even if it means making a lot less money it is very important.

    I had made a nice chunk off of some stocks and I was being very picky about my next job, this has hurt me because of my conceived higher risk.

    Maybe if you are birddogging or you are able to secure a nice rehab project you can show employment during that time through your tax returns.

    Good luck on locating some deals and I wish you the best success,

    Take care,

  • MarkB12th June, 2005


    First just a helpful point about posting.... forget the quote button, just use reply button and start out your post with the name of who you wish to reply to. The long quotes get confusing This was just a humble observation....

    Ok, now, you are right on target....... You have laready made contact with an investor and that alone could be a major step toward you goal, in fact I beleive it is.

    Ok, there are several things you could also be doing to prepare for when your first deal comes together.... now, keep in mind if you work with a partner you may be working with his or her money.... but while you are looking or working with them toward a deal you should be prepared to do you own deals always because opportunities do fall in your lap....
    Sometimes having a few things prepared can give you so many more avenues to work with....

    So, lets begin, you have talked with one that expressed an interest in working with you.... follow up on that with a meeting if possible let Him or her see you are a person not just a voice on the other end of thephone....
    Then let them sugest how they might best work with you .... or what sort of joint venture you can do that you both make a buck......
    Note; You will find some investors nervous at first because training you or sharing with you what they are working on with some they feel they are exposing their position in a local market.
    Ok, you mentioned a local REI Club... you need to be at the next meeting...... this is part of preparation number one..... these people know what is happening in your area and they also know what attorneys to use, realtors to talk to, areas to stay away from, who to trust and maybe who not to....
    Some of them are looking for you to do some leg work for them...... Bird Dog..... some may be open to mentoring you on your first deal they may wish to split profits they will usually ask for the majority percentage.... give it, thats cheap for the right education....

    Be aware not everone or everything you see or hear is a good thing..... I know areas in GA where there are those that would prey upon noobs in the business to take advantage of them...... so if it dont feel right ..... well you know the rest there....

    Ok, 2nd preparation step...... start looking for lenders..... local are better if you can find them... if not search investors sites for lenders as you can find a strong list right here....
    Talk with them via email and on the phone....... get a lender lined out ready to move on your first deal.... let them know what you are wanting to do and you will be surprised how many of these know a program that fits your situation...

    Ok, step 3.... Your dreams are important.... but let me tell you right now, real estate or Mobile Homes neither happen over night..... you will face a wall or two as your working toward your dreams..... but dont let it knock you down or dont give up.... it only takes one good deal to put you in good position to work for the next one.....

    My first deal gave me 3 months salary..... so I gained time to work or look for my next deal....... learn to budget and work off what you make......
    I know we hate to hear these things or at least I did but I had to learn some discipline on spending....... you can get into your fun spending a few months later... buiuld yourself a nest egg and then have fun with it....

    Anyway, I wasnt trying to get into your business its just that I have traveled that road and thought it might be a help to you to be aware of it.

    I do reccomend you find some sort of income as a back up, not to take away from your dream but to assure you obtain it.

    Trust me it is the smart thing to do, and it is not a sign that you are working against your dream, in fact its a sign that you are a savvy investor......
    To find deals it cost money, and time.....

    Ok, so I threw an extra 2 cents in....

    Last but not least..... do not procrastinate <------ did I spell that right.... LOL anyway you need to be doing something not just talking about something to do!!!

    Listen, education no matter what type cost something...... so dont ask for anything if your not willing to give.... when you talk with investors... perhaps they need help on a deal.... tell them you will assist in painting, or what ever they need you just want to learn......
    Be hungry for it, and it will come.......

    One more thing... forgive me if this comes off like some sort of gurru fluff I have seen to much of in my investment carrer but this is about much more than just needing money... its a new way of life, new way of thinking and looking at things..

    It took me a while before I realized that I was most productive when I started seeing things that at one time seemed impossible but I now know are possible because they happend to me....
    So when your mind tries to convince you nothings working, its just cant work, its impossible.... you need to remind yourself others are doing it......... and so can you...... but I am going to tell you like it is...... it takes percistance...... and with that and knowledge its power to do ...
    So learn from those that are doing not just talking about it..

    I learned more in one day from my partner than I did from several courses and books when it came to Mobile Homes...
    He opened my eyes and my first week out I was on my way with money in my pocket...

    Well.. I probaly said to much I do have a tendency to do that from time to time


    [ Edited by MarkB on Date 06/12/2005 ]

  • DonaldTrump12th June, 2005

    [ Edited by DonaldTrump on Date 06/19/2005 ]

  • DonaldTrump12th June, 2005

    Thanks mark b. Things are just getting bad for www.me.I am living family and they not been paying there bills now I have to find somewhere to go.

  • Jose7112th June, 2005

    Im just like you staring out. Im not a professional but I managing and still learning from this site and others.

    Whatever situation you or your family is in there is always a way out. Now the question is how serious are you ?

    Thats the first thing you have to answer for yourself. I have been on this sight for a minute and i always wanted to start but was too afraid to take the risk.

    Mark is correct when it comes to some of the points he mentioned. For instance I was always waiting for someone else {friends} to get started because I thought i couldnt do it by myself since my credit score is below 600.

    I was 110 % wrong I finally got someone to give me a loan found me a realtor that deals with investors and I have a liscenced contractor thats willing to work with me. Now I got my first deal for 105k in Norfolk which the contractor will do all the work for free as long as I help and I agree to split the profit with him when i flip the 2nd property. Its not a bad idea because im saving ALOT of money especially out my pocket. I just bought 180 sqft of granite for 300.00 which it was a bargain. Once I pull the equity im going to continue buying more and rehabbing them. If you believe it can be done.

    If you need some information it wouldnt bother me to teach you what I know. Like one of my closest friends say " help me by helping you"

    good luck

  • DonaldTrump16th June, 2005

    [ Edited by DonaldTrump on Date 06/19/2005 ]

  • Jose7118th June, 2005

    Donald I will help you out..... Give me some info on how I can get in contact with you....we will work on getting you started.......

  • mojojojo_118th June, 2005

    i just quit my job for a independent sales job for hours reason, i sell the paper door to door now,

  • DonaldTrump19th June, 2005

    On 2005-06-18 20:11, Jose71 wrote:
    Donald I will help you out..... Give me some info on how I can get in contact with you....we will work on getting you started.......
    thanks jose71. heres my email address. **Please See My Profile** . email me and we can go from there thanks alot. [ Edited by DonaldTrump on Date 06/19/2005 ]

  • DonaldTrump21st June, 2005

    Hi all I just got in from rei club meeting in my area. I have some questions. I got a lot of business cards realtor, investors, mortage companys. Which one sould I call do I get a loan for to buy my first deal(hard money) deal. My credit scores are below 600. One investor told me I sould by my first home to live in. But I want to start making money and then buy my first home. What sould I do here. Also sould I get some business cards printed up.

  • DonaldTrump22nd June, 2005


  • DonaldTrump25th June, 2005


  • REPrincess25th June, 2005


    I just wanted to say "Way to go". Great help and motivation (i hope) you gave this guy.

    2 Thumbs up!!

  • Jose7126th June, 2005


    Listen that will be a good way to start. Thats how im starting and my credit score were 580-600. So if I have done it you can too. What area are you at ?

  • DonaldTrump26th June, 2005

    On 2005-06-26 10:14, Jose71 wrote:

    Listen that will be a good way to start. Thats how im starting and my credit score were 580-600. So if I have done it you can too. What area are you at ?
    iam in the chruchland area of portsmouth. Is there a way I can get in contact with u.

  • Jose7126th June, 2005

    DOnald are you checking the posts right now ?

  • DonaldTrump26th June, 2005

    On 2005-06-26 16:43, Jose71 wrote:
    DOnald are you checking the posts right now ?

  • Jose7126th June, 2005

    do you have a cell #

  • DonaldTrump26th June, 2005

    Do u have an email I will send it to u

  • Jose7126th June, 2005

    I dont have that service to pst url or email

  • DonaldTrump26th June, 2005

    On 2005-06-26 18:53, Jose71 wrote:
    I dont have that service to pst url or email
    me either. here my number.757xxxxxxxxx do you go to any other sites[ Edited by DonaldTrump on Date 06/26/2005 ]

  • DonaldTrump26th June, 2005

    did you get my number. if not i will post it then take it down

  • DonaldTrump26th June, 2005

    On 2005-06-26 18:53, Jose71 wrote:
    I dont have that service to pst url or email
    jose71 nice talking to u hopefully we could do some deals soon

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