Downtown Redevelopment Project - Building Permit Ready

Former dress factory (approx 25,000 sq ft and 3 stories). Building lies within a redevelopment district and in upstate NY city that has approx 100 million in RE projects that have happened to date.

Proposed project will include 16 Loft Style Apts on upper floors and 7 retail storefronts on 1st floor. Investor can buy 50% of project for approx $200,000.

In addition, to dramatically enhance an investors yield there are Federal and State Historical Tax Credits avialable, New Markets tax Credits (est of over $1 million in tax credits) and Economic Development Grants (est of $300k) for this Building.

Street just received a Federal Earmark to install new granite curbs, streetscape, upgrade water/sewer and install decorative lighting.

Market studies show this building to be the No. 1 building and catylst for redeveloping the corridor.

Serious principals only need apply. Package available upon request with Market studies.


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