In all honesty, has anyone ever been called on that clause? Being a numbers game, what is the % ?


  • JohnLocke10th July, 2004


    Glad to meet you.

    I am sure that the DOS clause has been accelerated so to say it hasn't would be less than truthful. This could happen when an investor does not apply reasonable investing methods, like not paying the lender on time.

    In one case I heard about, the investor had a meth lab in his basement, all the statement read was loan called by lender on Subject To investor, nothing about the meth lab however. (This was purely for instructional purposes only)

    However I will tell you that in my 500+ Subject To deals the lender has never called the loan on any of my properties. Someone commented I was lucky, being from Las Vegas and understanding odds, even if a sports book placed odds on the DOS being called, save your money and don't bet that it will happen.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • jumperdk110th July, 2004

    john, that is unbelievable that you have done over 500 sub-to deals. so that obviously makes you a multi-millionaire. seeing that you have made this kind of money doing sub-to deals and you are still willing to help others i respect you greatly. I am going to buy your manual pretty soon and i hope it will still be avalible. thanks John, Ryan [ Edited by jumperdk1 on Date 07/10/2004 ]

  • JohnLocke10th July, 2004


    Actually my great passion is fishing, however the first time I retired after about 2 weeks I realized that retirement did not fit into my plans, I mean how many fish will fit in a freezer and the cleaning forget about it.

    I enjoy helping others it keeps me busy, as a matter of fact to busy sometimes, but it is something I chose to do so I am obligated at this time to continue, for a while anyway.

    Let me say something there are many good course writers who have very good products, when you see does this or that course work when asked by a poster, I will tell you this most of the courses out there work, however it is up to each individual to do the work, the course does not do it alone.

    Probably one of the best lines I have seen was " I put the course under my pillow every nite, every morning when I awoke nothing happened, no miracles, then I applied what the course instructed me to do and do you know what the course worked."

    So no matter what direction you choose in this great industry, it is up to you whether you make it or not, however I have a feeling you will do just fine.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • jumperdk110th July, 2004

    john, thanks for the support. It means a lot to me coming from somebody like you. I would love to buy your full course but don't have that kind of money. like i said in other post, i quit me job in order to do this full time and i will not go back to a job. i am still young and live at home. i set up my llc last week and i ordered some bandit signs. i have been going crazy reading these post to learn as much as i can. one very small problem that makes me a little nervous, is getting deals because of my age. I look pretty young (20) so i am afraid that most people will reject me because they are going to think that i dont know what i am doing and that i might be trying to scam them in some way. however, this is not going to stop me either way. It's just a nervous thought. thanks John, Ryan

  • TTitus10th July, 2004

    Probably one of the best lines I have seen was " I put the course under my pillow every nite, every morning when I awoke nothing happened, no miracles, then I applied what the course instructed me to do and do you know what the course worked."

    I want to learn to become rich in RE through osmosis!!! someone hook that up in a course for me and let me know when its done. Hurry up though cause I have to meet someone for lunch in an hour and I want to tell them about my new career!

  • molotov10th July, 2004


    I can tell you that, having been a part of John's member's only Sub To web site for quite a while now - there are hundred's of students posting there - I have never seen anyone post with a "DOS Called by Lender - HELP!!!" topic (or equivalent). This represents another few hundred student deals that have not had a DOS called. Does not mean that it has not happened, but if it did, it most likely would have been brought up.

    Good luck,


  • marv_wi10th July, 2004

    Hello John,
    Thank you for your response. I am not to concerned with the dos, I sold two properties on a cd and never had problems with the lender and plan to use a lsc for all transactions.
    Hello Ryan, I bought John's manual and it cleared alot of questions I had about sub2's. But like everyone says you have to use the info to make things happen. And might I suggest if your nervous because of your age, that you put together a presentation and try it on your parents or friends, kind of a dry run to get more comfortable with the situation.
    Have a great day,

  • jumperdk110th July, 2004

    thanks marv. yeah i will try to do something. i am not scared or anything becasue i know i can help people and thats what counts. what is in the Manual that is not on this site? because right now i feel i know everything i need toknow in order to do a deal. im not saying that the manual isnt good because i never had it but its not essential or anything right?

  • marv_wi10th July, 2004

    Ryan wrote,
    Thanks marv. yeah i will try to do something. i am not scared or anything becasue i know i can help people and thats what counts. what is in the Manual that is not on this site? because right now i feel i know everything i need toknow in order to do a deal. im not saying that the manual isnt good because i never had it but its not essential or anything right?

    Ryan, It would not be fair for me to answer that question.
    I feel it was essential for me to buy it, it has step by step strategies proven and used by the $Cashman$ and his students, all necesary forms and access to more forums that pertain to beginners and any help they might need.
    So I suppose you could find everything you need here, but I chose to buy it and study it, and feel what could have taken me two months to research all the info.
    I now possess and an ready to start buying at a level that I feel comfortable with that will not lead to expensive mistakes.

  • marv_wi11th July, 2004

    Posted: 14:02 on 07-10-2004   

    I can tell you that, having been a part of John's member's only Sub To web site for quite a while now - there are hundred's of students posting there - I have never seen anyone post with a "DOS Called by Lender - HELP!!!" topic (or equivalent). This represents another few hundred student deals that have not had a DOS called. Does not mean that it has not happened, but if it did, it most likely would have been brought up.
    Good luck,

    Hello Molotov,
    I believe in thanking people for their information and support. You posted at the same time I did. I have seen your name at $cash$ sub2 forum and am still trying to go back and read all the postings. Thank you for your input, and hope to converse with you.
    Good investing to you,

  • OnTheWater12th July, 2004



    Become confident in yourself, jumperdk; when you do, you'll be able to sell.

    What's the "secrety" to selfconfidence & selling? What is it? You want to know? You already have it, jumperdk1.

    Here's the secret: Act as if. That's it.

    Act as if you can do this until you can do it. Act as if your John$Cash$Locke when you find yourself short on confidence during a sale. Act as if you're on a date when you're with the seller. In other words, be yourself, attentive, kind and patient.

    I did a deal a month ago. It took two phone calls, one face-to-face meeting, and about 5 minutes to write out a contract on a moving box. Boom! I had the deed!

    How'd that happen, jumperdk1? I believe 'cause I was honest, patient and I was working on an other property across the street that we have -that's another "secret" that I've come across. Presence.

    I'm present around my properties. People now walk up to me. When they ask questions, I answer them; then at the right time, I ask if they're thinking of selling and that I buy many properties for "cash."

    "Oh, cash?"

    "Yes, cash." "Why, are you thinking of selling, mam?"

    You guys are still reading :-D

    What just happened?


    OTW :-D

  • jumperdk112th July, 2004

    Hi, yes Boiler Room is a great movie. Its not really a matter of me being confindant, its a matter of people taking me seriously. I dont really care though, i know i will do just fine. Thanks for all of your input. i appriciate every bit of it, Ryan

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