Door Knob Hangers On Mail Boxs?

Is this illegal???


  • JeffAdams31st October, 2004

    Hi REIKID:
    It is easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.. I target neighborhoods at the rate of about 5000 doorhangers and typically get at least one deal from this campaign.. It cost me $350.00 for the doorhangers and $450.00 for a company to put them out for me. So in essence I am paying $800.00 to make anywhere between $15k-$30k per deal. Iike those numbers. Be sure to have a number on the doorhangers that is answered 'live' 24/7 and a website that they could go to and get information from would also help...

    Real estate investos are like a bunch of fisherman. We have our lines out using different bait. The key is to find 2-3 different sources that work for you...

    I would give it a try if I were you as I have had a lot of success with it. Usually the people who call me say: "I was just going to call up a real-estate agent to list my property". A lot of them will want market value, but if you can show them comps that are not the absolute highest, explain the cost of selling with a realtor, 6% as well as 3% for FHA, Title, Escrow and other fees, rehab cost, monthly payments, etc... Give them a breakdown on paper and explain to them you offer a service and they can pick up their check next week! Not in 6 months.

    Best Regards,
    Jeff Adam

  • InActive_Account31st October, 2004

    Hey thanks Jeff thats all I needed to hear.

  • JohnMerchant31st October, 2004

    It is illegal to use USPO Mail boxes for anything except stamped mail, so don't put your doorknob hangers there...put on front door knob.

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