Door Hangers

Hi. Everyone!!
Can anyone tell me where I can get good verbiage for door hangers?
An example would be great!!!

Thanks a million!!!!!


  • pejames17th December, 2003

    What type of market are you targeting? That is a good start first. Then you build from there.

  • aramon17th December, 2003

    Thanks so much for your reply. I am targeting pre-foreclosures.

  • pejames17th December, 2003

    Drop me your email and contact info thru pm and I'll contact you so we can talk.

  • louisgeorges20th December, 2003

    Where are you buying them and for how much? I’ve been thinking about using door hangers to, I’m just curious if you found a good deal. I wanted to use flyers but I’m not sure where to put them since it’s illegal to put anything else than mail in the mailbox.


  • aramon20th December, 2003

    I haven't purchased any hangers yet. I am trying to get into a partnership with a couple of restaurants to see if we can split the costs of the hangers.

    I will let you know when I get a good hanger deal.

  • pejames22nd December, 2003

    Put them inside the storm door, attach them to the door knob, any way they will stay near the door for when the owner come in, they will see it.

  • InActive_Account28th December, 2003

    I've seen some cheap door hangers. They consisted of a rubber band stapled to one corner edge of a piece of paper.

    The hanger was place on the front door or the gargage door handle.

  • timerwin9th January, 2004

    Door hangers are a great approach, as was the idea of splitting the costs with a local restaurant. I think they would be an inexpensive way of putting a professional foot forward. PEJAMES posed a good question by asking "who are you targeting?" If they are individuals in Default, then a very direct list of the benefits (to the owner) of working with you. If it is more of a mass campaign, then it might be more useful to explain the types of situations you can assist with and the best deal (close in 48, all cash, etc...) you can offer.

  • MrMike9th January, 2004

    Personally I wouldn't save a few dollars by hooking up with a restauraunt or any other place.

    What if the home owner only sees the restaurant side and throws it away.

    IMO the down side far out weights the upside

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