Doing Tax Liens In N J

Hello to all. Is any one in this forum doing tax liens
in N J? I would like to get my feet wet in this arena.
But, I would like to be able to correspond with people
active in this in N J.
Thanks for your replys. [ Edited by cambana on Date 02/14/2005 ]


  • TheShortSalePro14th February, 2005

    There are about a dozen or so "players" in NJ that, not unlike locusts, consume 99% of the decent, available liens. They come with truckloads of cash and bid down most of the liens to 0%.

    I think that there are still opportunities in water and sewer tax liens, but for income purposes only. Redemption rates are high.

  • motivated_buyer10th March, 2005

    A good source is You problably already know about it but teriffic for isolating potential deals.

    Good Hunting


  • TheMortgageRx22nd March, 2005

    IF you are liquid and have funds something better than Tax liens is Private Investor Loans. You get First Lien Position on the property and collect a high interest only payment monthly for about a year. How can you beat a 12 - 13% return on your money every month.

  • quidam23rd March, 2005

    For Texas the rate is 25% and it is a penalty, not interest. So for non-ag, non-homestead properties the prior owner has to pay 25% whether the day after the sale or the last day of redemption.

  • karensilver29th March, 2005

    Just wondering where Muhlenberg NJ is?

  • wahoo00029th March, 2005

    Thanks for the quick reply Quidam, this is exactly the info I needed.

  • kenmax13th March, 2005

    quidam is exactly right it depends on what you intend to do with the

  • billinseattle13th March, 2005

    NOt certain, but I think you can take the divorce papers in to title company and they will cleare up the issue for you. Give it a try.

  • SteveSch13th March, 2005

    This property is a vacant lot.

    I am going to put a manufactured home on it and either rent it or sell it on contract. More than likely sell it.

    Checking with a title company is a great idea. I should have already done that.

    Steve[ Edited by SteveSch on Date 03/13/2005 ]

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