Does Someone Have...

A list of like the 10 or 15 most typical repairs for most rehabs and what they approx. cost?

I am trying to get an idea of what things cost and learn, but haven't been able to find anything like this.



  • OCSupertones12th August, 2003

    Good question, i'll be watching this thread.

  • NC_Yank15th August, 2003

    Hi SK,

    I dont believe their is a top ten common items of repairs of Rehabs.

    Nor can anyone tell you specifically what a repair may cost without looking at the extent of the damage.

    However with that said, I can tell you some of the common things I find in Home Inspections.......without being in any certain order.

    Moisture / grade problems that often lead to other problems such as deteriorating joist and bandboards....and mold

    Improper flashing / roof installation which again leads to more damage to eaves and water damage to ceilings

    toilet leaks (usually wax ring) that causes damage to subfloor and floor joist...same with tubs.....lack of caulking...more water damage...

    Attics with improper insulation as well as being used as storage with plywood / osb flooring crushing the insulation which in turn makes the insulation not as effective.

    do it yourself wiring that makes me wonder why I am only charging $300.00 to possibly electrocute myself.

    improper ventilation and more moisture problems in various areas that lead to mold problems.....

    Improper application of vinyl siding allowing moisture to get behind walls.

    Overloaded attics, usually with junk that should be set at the street for pick up.

    Exterior trim not kept maintained,.......look at most window sills for evidence of rootten wood.......also lack of caulking around doors and windows.

    hvac systems that havent seen a clean filters in well as being serviced.

    under amped houses with enough extension cords to run the length of a football field.

    Improper use of disimilar plumbing materials that lead to more water leaks...

    HELLO you see a common theme here.....WATER is its name. Amazing what water can do to any object.

    There are hundreds of things I can list here but you will find that moisture is without a doubt the leading, most destructive and costly monster that one will have to deal with..........and by the way, putting a coat of kiltz on that water stained ceiling is NOT going to fix the problem.

    And one more thing.......while I love duct tape it is not a cure for fixing the following:

    broken windows, flashing, wiring, leaky plumbing pipes, hvac ductwork, securing handrails, and to hold plaster / drywall to keep from falling on your head.....etc. etc. etc.

    PS. For you Real Estate types......dont get upset with us H.I.'s because you were more concerned with making that 5 - 6% commission than telling your client he needs to get off his butt and fix his house before listing it.

    At least some REI's like us....even though some of them are too cheap to use us....

    Hope this helps........

    I have to run.....go inspect a house with one foot of water in the crawl space.......and the selling agents wants me to "go easy" on her client...........I guess I could say that I noted an underground swimming pool under the crawl....

    : )

  • InActive_Account15th August, 2003

    Water is the universial solvent. Given enough time it can disolve almost anything.

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