Does Flipping Contracts = Advance Birddogging?

Is flipping contracts strictly to other RE investors an advanced form of birddogging? Is the 500 to 3k range a good approximation on what deals will generally make in this format?

I'm still going to be in college through 2005 and thought flipping contracts to other investors would be a great way to start in addition to sub2. Are there any courses (or articles) to specialize in flipping contracts (particularrly to investors). I am going to do some searching myself but other persons input would be highly appreciated.


  • scr200120th January, 2004

    If you sign a purchase and sales agreement and then assign it to another investor then usually this is called wholesaling. At least it's what I call it. The risk is much higher. And if the buyer you assigned your contract to fails to close then you must bring in your own funds.

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