Does Anyone Use Private Investors To Buy Homes?

I'm toying with the posibility of searching out some private investors to put the money up for houses and offering them 10-12 yearly interest. Does anyone else do something similar to this or all we all using our own money? Aslo does anyone have any ideas about finding these people? thanks


  • mattfish1129th June, 2004

    I know people personally who use private money lenders (hard money) and they do very well for themselves! Just keep in mind that 10-12% interest get quite expensive if you are holding it for more than 6 months or so. They use hard money for mostly rehabs that they finish within 4-6 months!

    Good Luck!

  • Stockpro9929th June, 2004

    I recently helped set up an private investor in another state with a similar deal 2 points and 12%. THere are people with retirement income and or HELOC money that would like to have the cash flow.
    Were I not using my HELOC 100K that costs me 3.5% at 12% with 2 points comes out to $875 cash flow a month or $10,500 a year. My parents are looking for ways to make $$ and have hundreds of thousands available through the same deal.
    The only Caveat is that you must be above reproach, experienced, and or have a real good plan before people will invest their money with you. I personally am real picky about who I do business with. They must be honest at home and at work and have a history.
    ONe thing I offered was to put my $$ into the deal (i.e. 50K on a 200K deal) to further enhance the ratios for the cautious investor.

    Good Luck

  • scarywoody29th June, 2004

    Yeah that is what I am hoping to accomplish. Also to let them know there money is secure can I put a lein on the house with their name on it?

  • JohnMerchant29th June, 2004

    What I've done on many such, is have my money partner buy the property in his name,so he has the deed.

    He & I then have an unrecorded agreement on our split and, as I tell him when I sell him I have to trust him, and not vice versa.

    He can sleep better knowing he's got the deed, or the note & D/T if we've done a pvt loan to somebody with a need.

    I'm personally allergic to borrowing money, but I know a number of successful guys in the area who routinely buy flippers with OPM, and have straight deal to pay the money guy 12%.

  • scarywoody29th June, 2004

    thanks for the input. I'm trying to decide which route to go. Traditional financing or investor financing.

    I am kind of reluctant to bring in an investor as a partner because I am nervous he'll ask for more than i want to give him and cut into the profit and not doing anything but lending me the money.
    On the other hand if i could get an investor to put the money up the carrying cost for myself would be much lower than with traditional financing.

    They would be fools not to require a TD be recorded. and to watch the LTV. Many HML only lend to 65-70% LTV

    TD ?

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