Does An Ad On Your Car's Back Window Produce Results?

Hello everyone,

I have been pondering some new marketing strategies recently. One idea
I would like to try out is putting an ad on the back window of my car.
A lot of people drive behind me or stop behind me at traffic lights
throughout the day, so it is sure to be seen.

I was curious if anyone has tried advertising on their car or knows someone who has. If so, what kind of results did it produce?



  • JohnLocke25th September, 2003


    Glad to meet you.

    I am all for all forms of marketing, however the police might have an objection if you are blocking the view out of your rear window. So I would check to make sure it is legal.

    If it is, then if you only get one deal and it pays off you would be way ahead versus what the sign costs.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • jvano25th September, 2003

    There is a window covering called "perforated vinyl" . You can see right through it looking out (kind of like it was tinted) but the advertisement is clearly seen from the outside. It's pretty cool stuff.


  • thomasgsweat28th October, 2003

    You might just want to consider the old faithful magnetic signs.

    Easy to put on and remove. I haven't used them in quite a while ( several years). When I moved from Atlanta to Chicago I never had new ones made. Now that we are pretty much settled for a while in Pittsburgh I think that I may do it again.

  • nebulousd28th October, 2003

    Down side, can't take them off everytime you go to a sellers door.

    I actually had a seller ask me to remove my signs when I came back over to house, I had to go back over and get something. He laughed about it but I'm sure the neighbors asked him about what was going on. The signs probably would have ruined the deal if the neighbors tried to talk him out of it.

    Gives you something to think about.

  • schallerp29th October, 2003

    I have just my web address on my back window, for now. I have seen some investors with their car/truck filled with advertising.

    The magnetic signs are a good option as well.

  • Bruce29th October, 2003


    A few years ago I was at a RE meeting, when one of the members pulled up in a car with signs on it. As I am always interested in creative marketing ideas, I went over and talk to him about the signs.

    "Hey, nice signs"

    "Yeah, they are great. They only cost $150. They are the cheapest form of advertising"

    "Wow! That is great! How many leads have you gotten from them?"

    " What do you mean?"

    " many sellers contact you because of these signs?"

    "Well...I don't know. BUT, they were only $150. That's cheap."

    My point is, no matter how cheap, unless you are getting results from your ads (car signs, bandit signs, etc.) they are a waste of money. You have to track the results.

    Has anyone tracked car signs?

  • InActive_Account7th November, 2003

    I imagine that they are more of a help than a hinderance. The reservation would be to put them on a junker, a dirty car, and/or drive like an idiot on the road.

    An owner should not be any more embarrased with the signage on your car than the signage on the side of a septic tank truck (a.k..a. "honey-dipper"wink.

    The perforated vinyl sign concept sound great. Go for it.

  • SolutionsKid9th November, 2003

    I use the advertising all over the car and there is really a two-fold point to it...visibility and recognition. The more people know who you are and hear your name the more credibility you will come to have versus your competitors.

    And don't limit yourself to webaddress, put phone number too, you have to remember that many people do not use the internet, etc.

    Good luck,

    Christian "The Solutions Kid" Beebe

  • Optimum10th November, 2003

    For those of you who have advertised on your vehicle, what are some of the specfic things you have written on there besides the obvious website, phone #, etc.????

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