Do You Use Any Telemarketing Services

I believe there are services available online where i can inport several phone numbers into a database and the online system leaves messagee for homeowners, etc. Do any of you use these, and if so, what type of success have you had. I have a good list of sellers phone numbers to call.


  • nebulousd5th November, 2003

    I hate those things. I know its all about working smarter and not harder, but people in trouble don't want to listen to pre recorded messages especially when someone is calling their house. I hate calling customer service and getting that interactive lady that tells you to speak your choices. I haaaaaate that thing. And it's my fault that it can't understand what I'm saying. I'm sorry I went off on a tangent but why are we looking for alternative methods to SPEAK to sellers.

    If your going through a divorce or trying to figure out how to sell your house and you only got a week, would you want to pick up the phone and here a cheesey pre-recorded message. That's a 2 second phone call at the most. I hope you can talk fast.

  • jksal5th November, 2003

    I plan on using it as a follow up to a mailer i have already mailed them. It can be programmed i believe to only leave a VM. I hate the prerecorded messages also, but thought if it only left a VM, then teh sellers would not know it was recorded

  • nebulousd5th November, 2003

    what if they have an answering machine?

  • jksal5th November, 2003

    It will leave the message.

  • nebulousd5th November, 2003

    my point is, before any voice mail or answering machine can pick up, the phone has to ring. If I pick the phone up or the pre-recorded message is on the voice mail, I delete it before it's done.

    Go on ahead and try it, I would be intrested in what you get, I think it's a waste of money. I would just mail another batch. At least they have to look at it before they throw it away.

  • jksal5th November, 2003

    on the message, how can you tell it is recorded, i never know.

  • classimg5th November, 2003

    Phone tag...blah....blah....blah, then with the knowledge they obtained in the message; they will let their fingers do the walking, call us and a live person will speak to them. Will this approach make millions? Nah! But $100K more per year will safice. Our advice, don't create business paralysis on solutions which customers HATE! Buy a cellular plan with allows for enough or free incoming calls or contract the unemployed/outplaced worker to answer your cell phone and speak to the customer. We feel our real estate material is not complicated to explain to anyone.

    Eric & Rosa

  • nebulousd5th November, 2003

    When I try to ask a ignores me.

    Also, I have privacy dector on my home phone, so when it asks you announce who you are, I get a, "Hi blah blah blah" and I just hang up.

    Even when telemarketers call and they have to read a script and try to get everything in before you ask a question, I hang up. I'm not having a conversation, people are just talking at me. I use to do that crap, telemarket, and there are a bunch of tricks you can use. But since I know them, it's second nature.

    All I'm saying is I wouldn't use it.

  • thomasgsweat10th November, 2003

    I would test it out. As a matter of fact I might try it myself.

    People will answer the phone, People will respond. That's just a fact. The percentage of responses is the question.

    As a consultant in the Accounts Receivables Industry I see this used a whole lot. The people we are calling are late on bills, a lot of them are charged-off debts. We still use the automated systems and they still more than pay for themselves.

    I say give it a shot. Don't worry about the number of people who hangup or don't respond. Concentrate on the ones who do respond. They are good candidates.

  • SmileyFace10th November, 2003

    By using this service, are you in violation of "No Call LIst"??? I just hear a story that AT&T is being fined huge amont of money.

  • thomasgsweat10th November, 2003

    How are you violating any rules?

    You are not selling anything. You are not inducing the consumer to buy anything. The Do Not Call list is geared to telemarketing. Telemarketing is specifically defined in the rules.

    Go take a peek at the new telemarketing rules and make your own determination.

    You are asking someone if they want to sell something. Not if they will buy a product or service.

    There are other rules that govern the use of automated dialing systems. They are very well defined also. Although I am haven't had the need to look at them in a couple of years. They may have changed some.

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