Do you need any license to put soda machine in a residental building?

I am serving as a board of managers on my condo to learn about managing apartment building since my dreaml is to buy apartment building.

The building is in some financial hardship and all other text book problems which is frustrating but provid a very good learning experience on what to watch out for.

My question is can one put a soda machine in the lobby to generate income for the building.
Does one need a food license or something?

What else can be put in the building to generrate income?

We tried advertiseing space on the out tside wall. But turn out that the building is Zone as R6 (I have no idea what it is, but I know the building is for resdiental and medical only) So it is not allowed

The building has 12 floors total 167 units unit 2 level in basement.



  • redeals24th June, 2003

    Check with your local city/county government.

    In my local area, all that is required is a $50/yr permit per machine.

  • JohnLocke24th June, 2003


    Glad to meet you.

    Call the Coke or Pepsi distrubutor in your area who places these machines, let them do the leg work to find out what is required. They will do it because they want the business.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • JerryF24th June, 2003

    John's right, if Coke or Pepsi is remotely convinced you can sell some sodas, they'll drop in a machine, and keep it stocked and maintained, and give you a cut of the profits.

    As far as vending in general, there are unique laws in each area for this type of thing, since it's city or county administered. I do happen to have some experience in the field, I operated pay-per-use internet computers in coffeeshops for awhile. All I needed was a business license - no tax ID was needed because internet access is tax free. I'm sure this doesn't apply however to beverage sales.

  • Jamesajohnsonjr24th June, 2003

    Depending on your location, city or burb, and your interest, you might want to consider having a CONCIERGE service.

    If your in the city, it's a no-brainer, drop off laundry/dry cleaning, theatre tickets, dog walking, dinner reservations, rides to the airport.

    If your in the burbs, this might work also depending how far out there you are.

    THe fee you charge would be at a 15 - 20% markup to cover the services of the concierge. Generally the salaries are low and they work for the free tickets and meals at the restaurants.

    Contact your local Concierge Association (If you need help finding one, i can help you).

    Now if your really ambitious, consider buying your natural gas and wholesaling it to the residents. Put in your own phone switch and have the tennants go through your switch, you can also sell prepaid phone cards. Great money maker and not much risk same goes for buying your own ATM Machine for the lobby. You'll have to hook up with a clearing house, they generally charge up to $ .50 per transaction or a % of the amount taken. Balance inquiries are free.

    HOpe this opens some brain waves.

    Good luck,

  • mymanga24th June, 2003

    Thank you. You guys are great!!

  • JerryF25th June, 2003

    If you're interested in doing the pay internet PC thing, give me a shout. Would love to answer any questions you may have. jerryf at***Must have at least 5 friends to unlock***

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