Do You Leave a Trail of Success?

My old man is moving. He's getting remarried and he's selling his house because he and his soon-to-be wife just purchased a new place. And since he's moving, a few weeks ago I had to go over to the house and clean out all of my stuff there. And I had a lot of crap. I had a basement full of boxes, stuff in the attic and a bedroom closest stuffed to the brim.

I had all of this stuff in the house because first it was my childhood home, and second after my divorce I ended up storing a lot of boxes there. It took me an entire Saturday to clean out the place and I had a pickup truck chock full of trash bags. As you can imagine, cleaning out all of the items was a trip down memory lane. But the best part was all of the real estate material I came across. I had dozens of courses from all of the "gurus". I had courses and notes from my various mentors. I found several different documents with various "plans" on them: Such as my 2005 marketing plan, my 2006 business plan, etc.

Also, I found a ton of old bandit signs. When I first started out I didn't know what to put on a sign for the best results, so I had multiple signs because I was always testing. I found a bunch of yellow letters from about 5 years ago.

It's amazing that I ever got a deal back then because the yellow letters were horribly written. They were basically like, "Hi, my name is Jason, sell me your house, Thanks." Maybe they were a little longer than that, but they didn't offer a special report and they didn't offer the sellers many benefits.

So what's the huge lesson I learned from cleaning out my dad's house? That no wonder I became a successful investor. I had so much learning material... so many marketing pieces... and so many written plans that it showed I was always improving and heading in the right direction. Picture this: Let's say that you died and someone had to go clean out your house. What would they find? Would they find educational material, would they find business cards, signs, and letters?

If someone went through your house and didn't find any evidence that you were a real estate investor, then you obviously need to change that because it means you probably aren't as successful as you could be. So get out there and learn more, market more and plan more. And make your home look like a place where a successful investor lives.


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