Do You Know What Im Looking For?

Can anyone please recommend any books that provides practical STEP by STEP information and all I need to know within those steps on WHOLESALING /FLIPPING PROPERTIES?
When I say "wholesaling/flipping", I mean putting a property under contract and immediately flipping it over to a rehabber and or REI, not fixer uppers and then flip.

Im so tired of reading these Real Estate books where the Investor just outlines a subject and the chapter consists primarily of their experiences with deals. As a beginner, how can one expect me derive a plan from that?


  • active_re_investor14th July, 2004

    Based on how you asked your question I think you will be disappointed.

    RE investing tends to vary based on state and local practices, laws and market conditions. Hence an author will write a book for national distribution and therefore make it general.

    If you really need a step-by-step guide consider connecting with an investor (mentor) in the local community where you want to invest. It will cost more but it will be much more tailored. Also understand that no two investors in the same city will do exactly the same.

    Have you connected with a local investor club? If you want to wholesale you will need to find buyers and such local investor clubs are the perfect forum.


  • JohnLocke14th July, 2004


    Glad to meet you.

    Two authors come to mind, Steve Cook and Bill Bronchick, both in my opinion offer excellent support, which is an important part of making any decision to purchase investing materials.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • mdcwah14th July, 2004

    I thank you guys for taking the time to reply.
    In response to
    active_re_investor's question , I actually did sign up with a RE group that deals with wholesaling in NYC but I haven't heard from them yet, after all it was just yesterday.

    Also, Thank you John I will definately look into your recommendations.

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