Do The Successful Investors Really Mentor People?

Seems to me like that would be making it more difficult for them?


  • ZinOrganization14th February, 2005

    depends on what your definition of successful is.

    for the right price im sure anyone would be willing to mentor, thats why you see these guys on T.V. and all over the place. at 2 -15k a pop just multiply that by the amount of people they mentor and you can see why its beneficial to them. also considering the fact that most people who do plunk down the cash probably never end up doing anyghing with the knowledge they have aquired.

    there not going to teach you anything you cant learn on here.

  • blueb7314th February, 2005

    i was thinking more of the successful investors in my local area, not the infomercial guys. maybe approaching some at the next meeting, see if they would let me tag along some.
    I would liketo think if I make it to the big leagues one day, i would be willing to help the little guys....

  • InActive_Account16th February, 2005

    On 2005-02-14 13:37, LouInvestor wrote:
    Successful investors are successful not because they find deals with good value, but because they can CREATE value.

    Great post!

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