Dispute Letters

I have a question about the credit letters of dispute I sent to the credit bureaus. Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion all received my letters on August 18th and I understand that they have 30 to research each item. So, I’m wondering how this works. Will I hear from them by tomorrow or Monday or do I need to contact them to find out the results or will they just automatically remove the disputed issues (if they weren’t able to prove them)?



  • creditrhino16th September, 2004

    Even though they have 30 days to respond to your request (usually 40-45 with mail time) you will most likely recieve something from one or all of the bureaus within a couple of weeks requesting more info, such as a copy of your drivers license, ss card, utility bill (to verify ss# and current address). Though this does not happen every time, it is imperative that you immediately send them what they want, because this is an official delay in the 30 days law. Trans Union is notorious for sending out "frivilous dispute" responses to shoot down your request, but when they do they will send a form that you can fill out by hand and send back for results.

    THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO REMEMBER IS: Don't let the bureaus discourage your efforts! Hang in there and follow through with everything!

    After the first round of disputes is over (they will send the results to you in the mail with a fresh credit report), do another letter. Just because they say the investigated doesn't mean they actually do and to actually get verification from a creditor is done verbally over the phone!!! (They are not required to see proof under FCRA guidelines) So be persistent.

  • dds197016th September, 2004

    Thanks for the information!

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