Direct Mail

hello all
In doing my first direct mail mailing
and im stumped on who i should mail to
of course home owners, but what criteria.
Im sending 1000 out now
thank you you guy are great


  • powecjhlo11th February, 2005

    I started doing Nod’s About 40 per day after about 1000 of them, I had no response.

    Then I decided to knock on doors in my immediate area and I would get the same response of

    1 I’ve taken care of that problem
    Or the dreaded
    2 your one of those guys I’ve seen about a hundred of you leaving me notes and knocking on my door

    Now I need to shift into phase 2 of my marketing project I like the laser approach but I’m not well versed in marketing

    I could use some basic advice on how to start or what criteria I need to search for?

    My plan was to mail out the shotgun approach to a particular neighborhood.
    My only criteria is homeowner
    Please Please help I didn’t know there was a laser approach

    I am able to do sub2’s and a straight purchase.

  • JasonVanOrden19th February, 2005

    Here is what I would do to market for deals:

    1. Choose what kind of real estate investing deals you want.

    2. Determine what kind of a list would have the deals you are looking for.

    3. Arrange to get a list that fits your criteria from a title company, county records or a list broker.

    4. Mail out to this list a test of at least 500. Offer solutions to their problems and then something irresistable to get them to call now.

    5. Follow up, follow up, follow up. Every 7-10 days.

    6. If the results are not good enough (2-3% is decent), then tweak your mailer and message or try another list.

    7. When someone responds, they become part of your laser-targeted list because they have already "raised their hand" and expressed interest.

    You can afford to put more time and effort into a laser-targeted prospect. They are the most likely to turn into a deal. That is a simple overview of the process. I hope that helps.

    To your success!

    Jason Van Orden

  • savvy_investor10th March, 2005

    They all sound good. Just make sure not to use the word "guarantee" in your ads. I had my attorney look into it for me and that is only one thing he mentioned. You can get into serious trouble with the Feds so have your attorney check your local laws.

    Just a thought.[ Edited by savvy_investor on Date 03/10/2005 ]

  • ryand10th March, 2005

    ask your doctor

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