
I purchased a property 2 years ago from an in-law. We had a verbal agreement that I wouldn't sale the property until after the death of this in-law and we would pay 500 a month until property was paid for then that agreement would become void. Well luckily I inherited some money, enough to pay off the price of the house and property. Anyway, this in-law has JUNK metal on the land I bought and I recently tried to move it, (sale it and give him the money) but he went nuts on me saying that I couldn't do anything with the metal cause it was his. However there was no agreement about it whatsoever, or nothing. Whose metal is it? Can I move it?

Also there was a church on the property, which I now have the deed for, and I was letting him have the rent money just to be kind. Buy due to recent problems with him, I have decided I want the rent money from now on, afterall its my property. Anything wrong with this?


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