Deals On Wheels-Anyone interested

I have a RV Class A Motorhome that I am currantly selling on a rent to own contract for $36,000.00. The buyer does not have good enough credit to by a RV but has a very good fixed income and can afford $ 1,200.00 a month payment and provide his own insurance so I decided to finance it for him. He has put $ 2,000 down and first month rent and will rent it for 48 months, direct depositing money into my account. You do the math. That is $21,600.00 to be made in 4 yrs. better than 15% interest, 450.00 a month positive cash flow. This contract is for sale for $ 36,000.00 cash surprised


  • cmon10116th February, 2003

    No thanks..that investment is too mobile
    if you know what I mean...I mean what if he decides to skip town in it and lease a lot in a hole in the wall rv park for a few years while you pay the rent on his house on wheels

  • jaybirdinvest16th February, 2003

    It's O.K. I'm not looking for uninterested parties just interested ones. Besides in 6 months he will have invested $10,000 in it, do you think someone would pay that kind of money out just to see it reposessed. Also it's insured by his insurance company. I personally think it's a great investment and I like working with these type of folks (VA Vets) They have a lot to offer and no one seems to want to finance them.

  • DaveT16th February, 2003

    There are people who buy these notes if you are willing to give a discount. Try Americas Note Network.

    You have two things working against you. First, the asset securing the note can leave anytime and go anywhere. Might make repossession difficult and very costly. Second, you are asking for the full face amount of the note, but the buyer will not see his payoff for four years. Expect buyers to ask for a discount for the risk inherent in this type of note. Also, at the beginning of the note, the buyer does not have any equity (to speak of) at risk.

    The things you have going for you are the interest rate and the short term of the note. Since you calculate your interest rate is 15%, note buyers might not ask you to discount too much to get the yield somewhere between 18% and 22%.

    You did not say who holds title at the moment. I assume that you still have title in your name, so count that as a plus. If you are able to sell your note, you will be able to transfer title as well.

  • JohnMichael18th February, 2003


    Sounds like you have made a great deal for your self, as an investor my self-the note value is determined by its risk.

    This note would be high risk due to the buyer's mobility; in all honesty a note buyer would most likely give no more than 50 cents on the dollar at best. But most likely less.

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