Deals In Progess Question

I posted a thread in the residential area titled Advertising Permissions and was told that I needed to post to this thread. I work for a builder/developer, and he is currently looking for new investors to increase his work load. However, upon reviewing the rules for this forum the following two stipulations have me concerned:

In other words, no ads looking for mentors, mentees, clients or customers.

The goal in this Forum is to make specific transactions happen, i.e. to close deals. It is not to advertise the kind of things you do or the kinds of services you provide. Therefore all posts must be about a specific deal. We would appreciate it, if upon conclusion of the transaction you would make a closing post saying that the opportunity is no longer available.

So my question is this, can I still post a generalized thread? He is looking specifically for three new investors so this would not be a "general" thread, it would only be active until the quota is met.

Elven[ Edited by commercialking on Date 12/10/2004 ]


  • commercialking10th December, 2004


    I've edited your post a little to eliminate the personal information (which violated the no contact information rule). You are correct that more lattitude regarding these kinds of posts is permited in this forum than elsewhere on TCI.

    Subject to seeing the exact language of your post (god, I sound just like a lawyer) here's what I think I would allow in your circumstances.

    You'd need to describe a specific transaction. How much money are you looking for? For what purpose? How is the "deal" structured? What kind of return are you projecting? What kind of track record do you bring to the table? Have you done this kind of thing before? What parts of the transaction do you control now? What parts do you need help with?

    The point is that there must be enough information for a prospective investor to begin to ask critical questions to determine whether the project is viable or not. One of the purposes is so that we can share with each other what information each of us thinks is most necessary to evaluate a particular transaction.

    This is not supposed to be an easy place to get an investor-- its supposed to be a place to get a lot of inspection of your deal in a relatively short period. Sometimes that will lead to investor interest othertimes it will show critical weaknesses in the plan and investor prospects will run away. You need to be prepared for either outcome.

  • commercialking11th December, 2004

    I'd start a new thread.

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