Dealing With Mortgage Companies?

Can anyone suggest how to get a mortgage company to take you seriously when your credit is bad, but you have lots of equity in several properties and you want cash to buy more and pay off partners. any suggestions without making me bleed? LOL


  • sammymh2nd August, 2004

    Depending on how bad your credit is? If it is not A, or maybe B+, most traditional lender can't help you. If I owned serveral properties with alot of equity you could try a small town bank, not a nationwide, just your old towns bank.

    If you don't have good credit and no money to buy your house out-right you have to budget that cost in, just think of it as motivation for cleaning your credit or saving money to buy the house outright without asking for money.

    Of course I don't know what your planning to do with the home once you have it. If you want to hold I think your in bigger trouble than if you wanted to rehab it and resell it.

    For Rehab, go HML and drop your partners. I rather pay 5 points @ 18% for 4 or 5 months than give 1/2 my money away. They go off equity not credit.

  • tinkabout2nd August, 2004

    You'll have better luck if you try to find a seasoned loan officer at a local mortgage broker office, don't mess with small town banks, and direct lenders. You need someone to BROKER your loans out to a subprime lender. Subprime lenders will qualify you for a refinance on your properties with credit scores as low as 500. Beware tho, brokers can overcharge for these services, do your research first, before you commit to a broker. Don't trust those that just quote you a rate without looking at your entire credit package, or you'll just get alot of lip service. Always get get a copy of your good faith estimate, and clarify how long the rate is good for. Subprime lenders don't change their rates very often, so make sure they get you locked in for the rate you want. Prepayment penalties are usually involved in subprime deals, but this can be a benefit to you as well, depending on your future plans with those properties. :-D

  • nt5ranger3rd August, 2004

    My wife does here in NNJ\NY\Pa for allot of guy who has a mod credit score a low income but allot of equity, he cashed out and now ownes allot of properties.. and is going on and on....

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