Dealing With Bank Not Agent

My house was foreclosed on and I recieved a 3 day eviction- I have a wonderful investor that has decided to help me out by buying my home and selling it back to me. The Real Estate agent says to fax an offer - problem is by the time the agent plays the middle man my time will be out. I have been dealing with the agent 3 weeks prior to the investor and they never return phone calls and are impossible to deal with. is there any way possible that the bank will deal with and accept offers from my investor? i am really out of time


  • skidoddle20th July, 2003

    You have not given us enuf info to reply.

    Things like has it gone to Trustee Sale? I assume it has and sold because you are being evicted.

    Also what state are u in ......rules are diff in almost all the states.


  • introuble20th July, 2003

    i live in nevada and yes it has been sold. any suggestions? we have a renter that rents a room from us- does he have any rights or are they different than ours? any info would be appreciated. thanks

  • 2000rock21st July, 2003


    Although I hate to tell you this:

    YOU MIGHT...check with a LAWYER 1st..

    Declare Bankruptcy...

    ...since your house was sold I am NotSure this will work, at this time.

    Before it was sold ....bankruptcy would have stopped the FORECLOSUR PROCESS DEAD...

    ....for a while.



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