Dead Leads - Tips And Tricks

I created this topic so that we could easily access tips and tricks other investors have come up with rejuvenating Dead Leads.

Please feel free to add your suggestions so we can use this topic as a referece point.

I will start the list off with what little I have:

1. After bird-dogging the area I look up the owners on my local County Appraisal District, CAD website.

2. Search Anywho for a phone number to call them. If that does not work then I mail them a letter inquiring about the vacant property.

3. If still no luck or the letter comes back undeliverable I then look them up at knowX. But I wait until I have a list of dead leads to do this. For $29.00 a day you can do unlimited searches for a full day. The downside to this site is that I cannot find unlisted #'s here.

4. If still no success then I contact the people over at deadleads.

What do the rest of you do?



  • hrash27th August, 2003

    I could not have done a bette job myself. This should pretty much do it. I am going to try the site ...

  • WillFalkiner28th August, 2003

    great post !


  • Dreamin28th August, 2003

    I send a post card to all the neighbors in the area (street) inquiring about the Vacant property next door or down the street. And your Number many neighbors will respond that yes I own it, so & so is in the nursing home at XXXX, people who own it name is XXX sometimes even know ph# & address.

  • td28th August, 2003

    That is a great idea!! The neighbors always seem to know what is going on on their street. Gossip works wonders, doesn't it!!!

    Prosperous investing,

  • Alexei13th September, 2003

    I've also heard someone suggesting to put a "For Sale" sign in front of the property with your number on it. It is said that the owner will contact you promptly.

  • mimipra13th September, 2003

    That's a bit bold. Couldn't that get you in trouble?

  • skidoddle13th September, 2003

    Ok here is the ultimate > ONLY DO RE IN YOUR LOCAL AREA

    And by this go to your planing Dept and get a plat map of the WHOLE area and adjacent
    good areas

    Then go to county recorders and get ALL the names for ALL the lots.

    Now Baby WORK IT WORK IT

    By the way if u do not live in a desirable area then go to one near u then WORK IT.

    There is nothing like know all the folks in your area personally> U will if u work it!!!


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