Dallas Tax Deeds

Is there anyone that is doing tax deeds in Texas, that has found it ****Must Reach Freshman Investor status before posting URL's*** was considering it but have found that most of the tax deed sales are vacant lots in questionable areas. Also most are going to sell for more than their assessor value.
I learned most of this from the law firms that handles the law suit. Are they misleading me. Are there a lot of people trying to buy them. I purchased a John Beck, Free and clear program and found most of the info. to be bogus and undo able. Am I over looking something? If not I would be glad to partnership with someone.


  • demosthenes24th November, 2003

    check out http://www.flsonline.com/ they are the sister website of what I use in houston and I I found them very useful for info on upcoming mortgage and tax foreclosures. Hopefully they will give you the info you need in dallas.[ Edited by demosthenes on Date 11/24/2003 ]

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