Current Multifamily Investing Book?

Hey guys. I have been investing in multifamily buildings for about 5 years. Can anyone provide a current must read book on multifamily investing that takes into account the current economic environment? I am assuming even the pros in these forums continue their education with continuous reading.



  • PosCashFlow10th October, 2011

    The most significant concern is the extremely conservative appraisals being performed. Understand that the banks are forcing the appraisers to do this but it is unfortunate watching your equity disappear. Would like to use the equity in some of the buildings to buy additions multifamilies.

  • MrSmooth10th October, 2011

    How much equity do you have in the properties that you think that you can realize?

    Are you appraising from a fair market replacement cost? or from income approach?

  • PosCashFlow10th October, 2011

    I am looking at it using an income approach. Banks are telling appraisers to use both market and income and take the lower value which I do not agree with.

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