Collection Agency ?

I had a collection show up on my credit report from 1999 that I never receivd a bill for. It was only a couple hundred so I just wanted to pay it . I make my living investing in real estate so I didnt want to spend several months fighting with then. They drug there feet for a couple of months before they sent me a bill that I requested. Now its been almost two months since they cash my check an it still shows unpayed. Is there and law that says that they have to show it payed ? Or can they do it when ever they happen to fell like it ? I am going to call them after I get some advice from you guys thanks.


  • jfoley17th March, 2004

    Get in contact with the collection company and ask them to fax you a letter stating that the account has been paid in full and now has a zero balance. Contact landsafe and have them update your information with the credit bureaus. Stay on top of them until it is done.

  • kenmax17th March, 2004

    i had the same thing happen. after i paid by phone they said they were sending me a receipt "paid in full" they never did. 8 mos. later they said i hadn't not paid. i gave them a ear full. i haven't heard from them since. i haven't looked but i know they put it on my credit report. the only way to remove it will but to show their receipt, which they didn't send. or send them a copy of my debit card record of 1 year ago. contact and tell them you have a cashed check and send them a copy. any way its a "pain" kenmax[ Edited by kenmax on Date 03/17/2004 ]

  • flacorps18th March, 2004

    Until you can get the documentation, at least keep disputing as "not mine" every sixty days.

  • pattons18th March, 2004

    This happened to us - You can easily file a dispute with the 3 major credit bureaus explain what happened and they will pursue the company and make them update the records on your credit history. The company that is saying you didn't pay will have only a short period of time I think 30 days to update your account and make it right again.

  • mrtrim118th March, 2004

    Thanks for the replys, I will let you know how it turns out.

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