Credit Repair $1000???

I did my taxes last month and my accountant has an affiliate company.( If you want to call it that) That does credit repair. I know a guy who went through a similar program and it worked wonders for him.

Anyway my accountant affiliate is charging $1000 for the service and I don't have any references with these people. I know that programs like this can work for someone in my situation and I'm definitely going through the process when I get my tax return back. I need to know an effective and affordable institution to go through. Anyone have any experience with a company??
Thanks in advance
Chris1220[ Edited by classimg on Date 02/23/2004 ]


  • chris122024th February, 2004


  • TMM24th February, 2004

    $1,000 for credit repair is ridiculous. I am a financial consultant and I do credit repair for $300.

    I'm not trying to solicit your business or anything. I'm just saying that's too much.

    Mr. Fields

  • diatribe24th February, 2004

    Don't pay a dime for credit repair.

    Everything they are going to do for you, you can do yourself for a fraction of the cost. The disputes they will do, contacting creditors and getting credit reports are all things you can do very easily.

    Besides, (and I'm not preaching) if you messed up your credit, shouldn't you be the one that fixes it? You'll gain soooooo much more satisfaction doing it yourself than having someone else do it and you'll learn things they will never teach you.

    Think of the way he approached you. Here's your tax return (he knows you have money) and just by chance I can help you spend it.

    However, if you still want to spend your tax return, you can send it to me.

    Good Luck and seriously, unless this company has an "in" at the credit bureau's (in which case you need to tell us about them, lol) I'd do it all on your own, as I'm currently doing.

  • chris122024th February, 2004

    That's what I figured. After I sent this post, I called Lexington Law and they said they'll do it for a 75 dollar start up fee and 35 dollars a month there after , with a refund if I'm not satisfied with the service. Anyone had any luck with them?

  • InActive_Account24th February, 2004

    Before you pay anyone go to and read through the post there. I have read there that these agencies can mess your credit up worse instead of fixing it.

  • Sweet125th February, 2004

    Chris, I totally agree with WPruitt- I am a member of creditboards and you can learn soooo much there and yes Lexington Law and others like them can have a negative effect on your credit scores also alot of times when the Credit reporting agencies find out you are using a credit repair organization, they wont even investigate your disputes. You are DEFINITELY better off doing it yourself!

  • af785028th February, 2004

    Actually, any GOOD credit repair pro will NEVER allow the bureaus to know that he is working for you.

    Also, when done properly, credit repar efforts should NEVER lower scores. The problem is, though, that many do not know how to properly assess a report, let alone prescribe the proper solution. It's not as easy as throwing in a ton of disputes. One must know details of how each part of each trade line affects the scores. Sometimes a TL that appears to be negative has hidden positive qualities, and if you just "dispute the TL away" your score could drop because your report lost the positive benefit.

    Also, it is not well-understood by most, but TL features are "time-weighted" - their value depends in part on how long ago they happened. Sometimes, an item is not worth as much today as it was yesterday. So, if I were to help you remove a TL, and in the meantime (30-45 days, lets say) your score drops, you could blame me, when it was actually just the passing of time.

    Believe me, this is just the tip of the iceberg. There's so much to learn about this. My advice: If I had a bad alternator on my car, I'd fix it myself; if I needed a transmission rebuilt, I'd hire a pro. G/L

  • chris122029th February, 2004

    That's the way I see it af7850! Plus, I don't have the time to do that anyway. I need all the time I have to contact sellers and lock in deals.

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