Credit Check Scores

What is a good score for tentative tenents? The person we showed our property to today said "a credit check is a put off I have perfect credit". We said sorry, just a standard check.


  • feltman3rd December, 2004

    anyone with perfect credit should have no issues at all with your pulling their bureau. In fact from my experience those with the best reports use it (as they should) as a badge of honor.

    Now people who don;t have the best ratings certainly might not want you to pull their report.

    I honestly don;t care what the score is; i don't want to see deficiency judgements, civil judgements from former landlords, etc - use the report to confirm what you were told on your application - or to uncover questions you should ask. We're not a bank; the actual score is secondary.

  • karensilver3rd December, 2004

    Scores are not important. Scores can be low for many reasons. Look for late pays and judgements. I would like to see some credit accounts that are not maxed. I am 23 and my scores have been on the lower end of 600's due to lack of time with accounts.

  • Dyeman3rd December, 2004

    Thanks for the responses and ideas. They are on my list. Now to get the place rented.

  • ray_higdon4th December, 2004

    It depends on your area, I rent in low-moderate income areas and it's pointless to even run a credit report. Make sure regardless of the area that you run the following:

    Wanted persons check
    Sexual predator check
    Small Claims/Eviction check

    Those have to be run on any rental property in my opinion.

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