Credit Card Settlement ?

I've read alot on here about getting the credit card co. to report a delete or paid on credit instead of the negative months missed. I was told by the credit card co. that for them to do this is illegal. I want to call their bluff but not sure if their wrong. Can they change or delete the negative remarks for months missed payments while settling.
thanks for any help.


  • SSJustin31st March, 2004

    I wouldn't trust anything a $6 an hour credit card rep says about legality issues with credit reporting.

    And how exactly would it be illegal for the credit card co. to do this? They are the ones that have full control over what and how they report info on your account.

    NOW, if YOU were somehow to falsely delete negative remarks, this could be illegal.

    But if you work a deal with the credit card co. for them to delete them, it would be totally legal. I mean, who is going to pursue litigation against the credit card co. changing what the cr cd co itself reports?

    I would personally contact a credit repair attorney to see if he/she could negotiate with the credit card co. to get the report changed. They will probably have better success at it I would think.

    Hope this helps...good luck

  • kingmonkey31st March, 2004

    Hey...I worked for Providian once...I got paid $9.00 an hour.


  • SSJustin31st March, 2004

    HAHAHA! well, I am probably guessing very HIGH on the pay rate now...since many companies are outsourcing their call centers to India....paying their reps about $2 an hour. LOL

  • tinman17551st April, 2004

    If you haven't settled put that in the settlement agreement. That way you could send the letter or agreement to all three bureaus and they would delete without going to company spokesperson.


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