Creative Martketing Idea.

To all Moderators:

I was just running some ideas by Joel to help create additional audience and excitement, not there isn't enough some times here at TCI.

Here is what I was thinking we can help promote TCI's products, Cap, T-Shirt, Coffee Mugs, etc.

During the week at certain times have a Stump the Pro's forum, if you can stump the pro's your prize would be one of the wonderful products above.

We would pick a panel of the Pro's who would be involved to monitor this forum. Tax Lien person, Sub To person, Short Sale person, Moderator, etc. Of course the rules would have to be developed as to what the questions would be, etc.

Your creative input would be greatly appreciated. Maybe not one of those Reality Shows but could be fun.

I know Joel, if whoever is on this panel could not answer the question, they would all kick in and pay for the item. oh oh

Ideas please.



  • nebulousd9th February, 2004

    Here's my not so creative idea but yet creative.

    When I first found this site, within a matter days, if not weeks, can't remember, but John, you hosted a chat session and a free conference call. I know it was in promotion with your materials, but Joel you can have a spin off of that.

    Why not once a month have a featured conference call with one of the pros and have them speak on a topic and have a Q&A session. Whom ever is hosting that months conference call can get a % of the profits and not a set fee. So if you get all 25,000 people to sign up @ $10 bucks, $15 bucks a pop, the investor featured would get 25%, 30%, whatever of the revenues.

    I would like that because it is a cheap way for me to learn something new and get a bunch of information.

    You have a list of forums already....go down the list. Short Sales, Tax Liens, Muti-Units, Ms. Pattons L/O, whatever, get people excited about coming here besides the forums.

  • JohnLocke9th February, 2004


    Now that's what I like to see some ideas to benefit the site and create some cash flow for improving the site.

    Chat rooms are tough to moderate, I am not an expert in controlling one but there are I am sure ways to do it.


  • nebulousd9th February, 2004

    I remember Joel controlling the chat room last time, it was not an open discussion. You spoke for a period of time then he opened the floor to questions.....he then turned off that capability because a baby was crying in the background. I think it can be done and know phone calls like these happen all the time....

  • JohnLocke9th February, 2004


    I missed it sorry about that, yes a conference call may just be the thing, you could use the contest approach they give thier Nic ask the question and the person on the panel would be responsible for anwering, if they can't then the caller would get a free item from the logo'd collection.

    I bought the TCI logo mouse pad since I have been using it my compter has run twice as fast as it used to.


    Joel would have to look into the costs but this is feasible I think.

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