Creative Advertisement

We use the signs, postcards, working on billboards. We want to know if anyone is using something different or creative. What are some approches that others have used with great success.


  • JohnLocke1st December, 2003


    A little story that happened recently.

    I was at Best Buy with investor friends who looking at purchasing a new computer. While I was there I saw this young lady in I would say her late twenties who had a name tag on showing she was a Yahoo representative. She was there selling Yahoo's program.

    Making sure I hadn't lost my touch I approached her (no not that kind of approach) and asked how sales were going, we started a conversation my leading question was "do you like doing this" she replied that it was OK but she would like to get into something more challenging. Then she asked me what I did for a living, going right where I was leading her.

    I replied I am in Real Estate but not a Realtor or agent, I said do you see those infomercials on late night TV with the people selling real estate courses, she said she had, let's face it who hasn't. I said I have a manual on how to do creative real estate investing. She said isn't that whole business an MLM scam?

    My reply was after figuring her pier age group (divorce prone) was "Let me explain it this way, two people are getting a divorce one of the spouses has already moved out of the house, the spouse in the house cannot afford the payments because they both were working to make the payments.

    Now the spouse in the house can't stay because they can't make the payments this is where I come in saying "I help people by purchasing the house using creative real estate methods and in a couple of years my buyer re-finances the house thereby eliminating the problem and in most cases save the persons credit Isn't this better than waiting for the Sheriff to come an evict them in front of their neighbors and friends?

    Here it comes she replied "I have a friend in this exact position can you help her?". So we got the lead and will see what we can do to help her friend.

    Is everyone out there telling everyone they meet what they do, no direct mail, no I Buy Houses signs, no print ads, just hello let's talk and up pops a lead.

    Leads are everywhere, just make sure you have plenty of business cards and are willing to tell people what you do.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • JoanAlyce11st December, 2003

    Thanks. What a great reminder that word of mouth referral is still the best advertising for every business, but especially real estate.

  • molotov3rd December, 2003

    Dam-nabit John, you could sell ice to Eskimos!

    Your last comment about telling people what you do is right on ...when I first started doing "less conventional" REI, I was a little closed mouthed about what I was doing and kept getting questions like "How come your not a realtor?" At the end of the day, many of us are working towards a win-win conclusion with people that need our help. Why would anyone be shy about that.

    Great post!


  • classimg3rd December, 2003

    Great message John,

    Real estate at its core is a people business if you refuse to TALK to develop rapport then do us all a favor and do not call yourself a real estate investor.

    Eric & Rosa

  • thoward18th December, 2003

    I have a investor friend that has bought several properties from his T-shirt. On the front and back it says "I BUY HOUSES!" with his phone number and website. I am putting in an order for mine in a few days. He has bought several houses and 1 commercial property with his t-shirt. Especially when he goes to the grocery store. Just remember the shirt is mobile advertising just like a car. Use it to your advantage.

  • pejames19th December, 2003

    If someone isn't comfortable talking to people, why would they want to be in a business that requires talking to people.
    How else do we fing d out how we can help people. Some folks just need to get out and practice! Just do it!

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