Court House Buys

Hey guys, I am in Mississauga Ontario Canada.

I have spoken to some people on here about REI. I am young and willing to learn. I have spoken to them about how they aquired their properties and most of them have told me that hey got it from court houses. Can someone please explain to me which court houses I got to and what do I say when I go in there? Like what is the process that I go through if I were to get into it this afternoon?


  • jjetts44th November, 2003

    There is a foreclosure dept. Go there and ask for a list of foreclosures for sale. You can also find the tax deeds for sale.

    From there start researching.

  • JohnMerchant4th November, 2003

    There is a foreclosure dept

    While this may surely be true in CAN, or one or more of its Provinces, it's surely not the case in any US state I know of; so if you have differing info, please share it.

  • Alek4th November, 2003

    I think I am gonna go there tomorrow and find some information.

    I just feel scared kind of becasue I am young and I am going to talk to big boys.

    I have been kicked out of a BMW show rooms once, they told me to bring my daddy next time I come. Stupid fools didn't know I was the one with the money and not my dad.

    Idiots lost a deal on me.

  • Zach4th November, 2003

    Maybe jjets4 meant the REO dept at a bank? Zach

  • Alek5th November, 2003


    I went to my bank, and I talked to them about real estate, and they told me that any property they have is handed over to a real estate agent and sold at fair market value.

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