County Trasferred Tax Lien - How Long To Deed In Fl

In Fl you can aquire the county held lien certificates by paying the lien and accrued interest and having it transferred to you.
Since in Fl it takes 2 years before you can call the deed - is that 2 years from original aquisition by the county?

I thought it was 2 years after the initial deliquency tax certificate was struck to the county but one Fl county is telling me it is 2 years after the 2nd party aquired it from the county.


  • richen15th May, 2004

    You are right, it is two years from the original auction date. Therfore, 2001 delinquent taxes are originally auctioned off in May 2002, and can be brought to tax deed application by April 1, 2004 since it is actually a 22 months redemption period instead of a full 2 years in Florida. However when you apply for tax deed, you have to pay all kinds of fees and all the subtaxes on the property in order to have the court go ahead with the tax deed procedure. Then it is given a date when the property goes to tax deed sale, and the minimum bid is now your entire investment plus 18% interest rate, and if it is sold at tax deed sale (which usually it does and usually at a significant premium to the minimum bid) then you are redeemed. Only if nobody bids for the property above the minimum bid do you then get possession of the property, in which case I wish you good luck.

    RC from NC

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