County Recorder info

I was looking for info on a house that is listed & needs work. I found the owners name from the appraisal district and tax info also. I wanted to look for anything relating to the deed but nothing comes up for that owner's name. The address the tax office has is a business and she doesn't come up in information. Where should I go from here?

Also, the price gives me the willies but the realtor said he was sure the owner would come down. He wouldn't say how much though.. . I tried! LOL
Oh, I forgot to mention, this isn't a short sale. I asked the realtor if the payments are current and he said "Oh, of course! Nothing like that! She has lots of money!!" surprised

Any Ideas?
-Ty-[ Edited by tntmoz on Date 04/08/2003 ]


  • rajwarrior8th April, 2003

    Ty, you didn't post in numbers with this, but from what you've already said, it doesn't sound like a deal. First, if the house is priced at market value or above and needs work, then its not worth an investor's time. Second, this seller doesn't sound motivated. Remember, in RE investing, your after sellers, not houses.
    If you're looking for houses on the MLS, its difficult to know why people are selling. Your best bet is team with a good RE agent who'll locate the type of property that your looking for. The agent can also look for key words to spot motivation. Making deals through the MLS is a major numbers game. You have to make alot of offers to get one accepted. Good Luck


  • tntmoz8th April, 2003


    Thanks for the reply! Your right about the numbers but I just happened to drive by and it caught my attention. Houses in this area go for 1.2m up to 2m.
    The land is really the key. According to the appr. dis. most of the lots are between 3 1/2 - 5 acres and appraise for 1mill. vacant. Also, you can have horses and this is smack dab in the middle of town, just off one of the busiest streets in Houston!
    Anyway, I have a new realtor contact because of it and am going on Thurs. to meet him and "look over the MLS". He does seem like a bit of a flake, but maybe I can train him!?! !!

    Future reference--1. Why wouldn't the owners name come up in the recorders office? 2. Where do I go to find out if a residential lot can be split up? Thanks.
    -Ty- [ Edited by tntmoz on Date 04/08/2003 ]

  • DwanBent-Twyford13th April, 2003


    There are MANY reasons an owners name does not come up on public record. We have EVERTHING in a landtrust. If you look at public record, we own nothing!!! Once you're done with class, you'll put all your stuff in a landtrust as well. Anyone owning a 1.2 Million property probably has some good asset protection specialist on their team.

    Have the Realtor make the connection, go to the business address listed, or go straight to the property and try to meet the owners in person.

    Just so you know.... million dollar properties are HARD to sell quickly. There is a lot of $$ inthem, but tough to sell.

    Talk to you Monday.


  • tntmoz13th April, 2003

    Thanks for the replies! I attended the WWW conference this weekend so I know all about asset protection now!! The owner for this particualr house is in California (I'm in Houston). Anyway, I'm really ready to get rolling in investing so I won't have time to pursue non-motivated leads! I did manage to retain a few things from the weekend!! I even managed to shortsale a few things, it just wasn't a property!


    [ Edited by tntmoz on Date 04/13/2003 ]

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