Countrywide The Nightmare

does anyone have contact info for upper management or CEO or something? 2 weeks ago CW verbally approved $105k - that buyer backed out but I have another buyer, same price but this one is CASH - the LM is saying I have to start ALL OVER and the cash buyer is all agitated.

anybody got contact info or suggestions?

thanks in advance.


  • Qwest8th November, 2008

    I have had this happen many times with CW, when you submit a new offer to them they reset everything and assign a new negotiator. However, this is what I have done successfully on many occasions:

    If you know who the negotiator was, email them at or **Please See My Profile**

    Explain to them what has happened and that you would like for them to request from their supervisor that they keep the file. They have done all the work, and you want to see them get the credit for it. Most of the time, a reasonably competent LM will do what they can especially of they feel the deal will close.

  • Qwest8th November, 2008

    emails were www.first.last @ or first_last @

  • NewKidInTown38th November, 2008

    CountryWide is owned by Bank of America. Kenneth D. Lewis is the Chairman, CEO and www.President.of Bank of America. You can probably reach him at the corporate headquarters in Charlotte, NC

  • LynLinz17th December, 2008

    Same situation here.

    Buyer walked after 4 months, got a new offer the same day I told them the old buyer was gone. They say a new file must be opened and the old file closed
    Then they say the old file may be re opened and it is awaiting re assignment and that the first negotiator may get it back IF her workload allows for it.

    I call 3 times a week and get many answers.
    Probably if you got a new buyer right away, they may re open the file.

    They may even tell you they are not opening the file and then after things settle you may find that they are re-opening.

    Just keep calling and tell your client that it will be a while and there is nothing you can do about it.

  • tunney17th December, 2008

    Hey Lyn,

    Did you have a written approval with your buyers name or only a verbal as well. How soon was the auction.
    I wish they gave me 4 months, I could get a full offer. I have gotten 7 offers but picked the wrong one that tied me up. Homeq seems to only give you a month. tough to work more than one buyer in if it falls a part unless one is give you a month with a closing date and a auction date.

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