Counter Offer Help?

The subject property was listed for 199900.00 I submitted offer for 149900.00 w/inspection contingencies, on that same day mls price changed to 179900.00. I just heard back from my agent, and the bank counter offered with 164900.00 and no inspections. Why would they counter offer with no inspections, could something be seriously wrong with the house?


  • LDGROUP25th February, 2007

    Just wanted to let you all know that the bank accepted our original offer of 149 900. the listing price was 199900.00 will take about 15-20,000. for total rehab with a estimated arv of 245000.00. Thanks again for all your help

  • wwgrpinc15th February, 2007

    FREE? Of course not. If it were free, would you really want it and consider it reliable? But there is a site that offers a 7 day trial. In fact I subscribe to it myself as a Realtor. The url is:
    Check it out and thank me later.

  • ypochris23rd February, 2007


    Try the multi family forum on the Commercial side of the website- red button on top left corner of your screen, then "forums" below it...


  • TheBreadman25th February, 2007

    I just dropped in on ILFLS seminar on their foreclosure website for the Chicagoland area. It is a well put togther website and the seminar is well worth it. I had a chance to network with a lot of people doing foreclosures and they brought in a speaker on short sales. They do this seminar once a month.

  • shawnkm1st March, 2007

    I just got the same email from the same place and was getting on here to see if anyone else had dealings with them. Their information sure seems to be legit but then again scam artists have to be pretty convincing. Hopefully there will be some more posts to this of people that have heard of them.

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