Copy Of Second Mortgage

anyone know where i could view a sample copy of a second mortgage i have one and i want to compare mine to another to make sure all the right entries have been made preferably illinois if that matters thanks guys


  • TheShortSalePro14th December, 2003

    visit your local County Clerk's office, or Registrar, or whatever office maintains recorded instruments. My guess is that you'll be able to find at least one or two (million) recorded second mortgages...

  • Tedjr14th December, 2003

    Only real difference between first and second is the second is recorded after the first. If the first is paid off then the second becomes the first. Most attorneys will add stuff to the second like this lien is inferior to that deed of trust dated bla bla and recorded in bla bla. I am in a deed of trust state buy same would be true in mortgage state too. Really does not matter what you put , you will create a second lien if you record something after the first and before and other liens. o make it look pretty and "legally correct" you will want to add the part about the first lien.


    Hope this helps some

    Ted Jr

  • rayshir14th December, 2003

    thanks everyone but does anyone know where on the internet i might view a copy of second mortgage i want to compare my seconds to others before i fax over to a note buyer just curious if mine has been properly prepared . i have never really carried 2nds. until recently thank you all so much for any and all replies

  • InActive_Account14th December, 2003

    The advice you got here is sound. If your bound and determined to see one on the internet then in a seach engine put the words, "legal forms" there's a whole bunch of companys which sell them.

  • rayshir14th December, 2003

    thanks but i was not looking for advice i was looking for a picture of or copy thanks anyway

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